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If Bruce Lee were alive today, would he...
if bruce were alive he would have beat the hell out of Carlos and helio, marry both wives, have 48 children and stole the JJ. We would all now practice Brucie JJ (still BJJ)
Originally posted by pstevensIf Genghis Khan were alive today, would he be the best BJJ player? How about Alexander the Great, Peter the Great, Napolean?... Honestly, these "would if" threads are getting ridiculously out of hand... Where is the moderator?
I disagree, it is relevant in some ways. Bruces nemesis, a real time fighter who was a undefeated PKA world champion named Chuck Norris, did live, unlike Bruce, and did get a black in BJJ. Would Bruce have gotten one also? It is very likely
nobody has reported this post.
And while I personally don't think much of these threads even when they are done in jest. (yet answered like they are serious which is even more troubling to me. As if my faith in human intelligence could get much lower.)
I don't see it as out of line. But if enough people complain I'll do something about it.
Originally posted by OmaPlataI disagree, it is relevant in some ways. Bruces nemesis, a real time fighter who was a undefeated PKA world champion named Chuck Norris, did live, unlike Bruce, and did get a black in BJJ. Would Bruce have gotten one also? It is very likely
Second of all, assuming Bruce's actions is ridiculous to say the least. The man was an innovator, not a follower. If we take this into account, we can guess that he may have come up with his own ideas on ground fighting, which is more than we can say about Chuck Norris, Dan Inosanto and host of other guys who dropped what they were doing and signed up for BJJ.
I'm not implying that BJJ isn't great, I love it myself, but I just see Bruce as going in a direction of his own, as he was doing his whole life. Anyway, Omoplata, as much as I respect your view, I don't see any legitimacy in this post... I'm out...
Originally posted by pstevens
Second of all, assuming Bruce's actions is ridiculous to say the least. The man was an innovator, not a follower. If we take this into account, we can guess that he may have come up with his own ideas on ground fighting, which is more than we can say about Chuck Norris, Dan Inosanto and host of other guys who dropped what they were doing and signed up for BJJ.
That said, I dropped what I was doing and signed up for BJJ.
Okay, just in case anybody missed it:
This thread is a spoof.
It is posted to illustrate the foolishness of 'what if...' and 'Would bruce Lee...' threads. Come on guys, either have some fun with this stuff, or else ignore the thread.
Honestly, that other thread has been going for 26 freakin' pages. At least mine is kinda funny.