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here i am in my proforce head gear

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  • #46
    yeah people who make fun of people with disabilities have questionable integrity.


    • #47
      Mattbla -

      I hope you don't let this one thread drive you off the forum.

      Most of the folks around here are pretty cool, and sometimes on the internet people type things without really thinking about how it's going to sound.


      • #48
        Matt could easily put this whole thing to rest by taking a picture with proof on, like a recent newspaper, or just a paper with the text "" on it or something.
        So Matt, if you want everyone to believe you and give you good feedback from now on, just take that picture.


        • #49
          Funny I don't remember anyone having to take picture with a note saying I'm not a dumbass on it and post it when they signed up.


          • #50
            what going on does this all have to do with just answering someone post
            from matt blake


            • #51
              Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
              Funny I don't remember anyone having to take picture with a note saying I'm not a dumbass on it and post it when they signed up.
              Who says anyone has to?


              • #52
                Originally posted by matbla
                what going on does this all have to do with just answering someone post
                from matt blake
                We spend as much time insulting each other as we do discussing the arts...maybe more if include all the "style wars" on here dude.

                dont let the mental midgets get you down you can put 'em on your ignore list, or just ignore them on your should be aware by now the world is FULL of assholes who get off on putting others down. Just realize even though youre the learning disabled one, they are the one with the handicap, they cant get along with other humans.... even on the net


                • #53
                  you are so right and on target here thanks for replying it
                  the one in last repler above my replay
                  keep it up
                  people need to know that they are wrong some times
                  i would like to learn what people have to say about karate and martial arts
                  and it is people like them that turn peopls topic in to
                  a shouting match and make people get mad ,,i hope some day
                  they will grow up and what to learn something about ma or karate
                  instead of making post go bad
                  i love it here people try to help me and sometimes they need to grow up the
                  bad eggs i sorry to make you mad but the truch need to come out
                  i am a nice fair guy that wants to learn something not fight
                  frommatt blake


                  • #54
                    GOOD JOP

                    MATT BLAKE


                    • #55
                      i am trying to stick up for every one even myself
                      i like alot of people here
                      and the board is going in the wrong direction
                      i want this board to be clean and fun
                      not fighting if you want to fight go to a gym
                      from matt blake


                      • #56
                        You're wise beyond your years matt. I nominate matt blake for modship.


                        • #57

                          great pic, theres a few cool ones on the tapout website.
                          Attached Files


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by OttawaFighter

                            great pic, theres a few cool ones on the tapout website.
                            those guys kinda remind me of the pic BoarSpear posted of himself.


                            • #59
                              Ok, here is the one here (me included) have "made fun" of anyone. Not in a million years would I make fun of someone with handicaps. In fact, I was one of the people in high school who protected and stood up for the "handicapped" people, when the jocks and creeps tried to take advantage of them.

                              This is a hoax, however. Ok? No one made fun of this guy. No one called him any names. One person made a reasonable request for Matbla to show a picture with the newspaper in it. And only because like me, a few people have doubted this is for real. In my case, mainly because his first post said something like "I am Matt Blake and I am for real"...why do you have to put that disclaimer in there, Matt? No one else here put that in thier first post! The only other first post that was as bizarre was the one guy who claimed to be a slightly effimate guy who drives a little sportscar!! This is comedy of the highest order!

                              Read each post carefully (If you are so inclined) and see how this Matt Guy has fooled everyone.

                              PS, I am not mad, not upset or even annoyed by it. In fact, quite the contrary. Who ever came up with the concept is a total genius. Only a genius with a great sense of humor could honestly post pictures like that!

                              If there were any trouble makers on this board who have suddenly remained silent or dropped off the face of the earth, that would be the culprit. There are several candiates who fit the all probably know who they are.

                              If this guy was for real, I think it would be apparent. But reading his posts from the start will show that anyone "learning disabled" to the point where he needs internet forum help starting a diet, or he "won't be around much longer" would probably be incapble of signing up, creating a profile, managing attachments, etc...

                              Whoever this person really is, he is enjoying a good laugh! He probably is laughing that I am even taking the bait!

                              If by some slight, remote chance I am wrong about any of this, I apologize with sincerity. However, the more I read his posts, and look at the kooky pictures, I realize that this is just a hoax!!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                                THIS ENDS NOW.

                                Personal attacks will not be tolerated on this board.

                                If you do not want to discuss Matt's topics then do not read them.

                                He has not invaded anyone elses threads, Or derailed any conversations.

                                Matt appears genuine and seems interested in his topics. He does not appear to argue other than when he feels he has been put down.

                                Try to show respect and courtesy to everyone.

                                I don't know Matt, but I have worked a lot with people with disabilities and some of the assumptions that are being made are not justified.

                                Thanks for your cooperation.


                                from this Personal attacks have already taken place or have they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! according to this, excessive force thinks Personal attacks have already taken places which i personaly think are much worse then being made fun of ......

