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  • Deticating

    I hear/ read about guys who train for big tourneys and totally LIVE grappling, I wonder how they do this. Eddie Bravo started BJJ in his late teens or when he was 20 I think, then he beat Royler in Abi Dhabi, what the hell was he doing for those years in between? Did he have a normal job and just train hard when he could, or did he just sleep/eat/train non stop?

  • #2
    Originally posted by danfaggella
    I hear/ read about guys who train for big tourneys and totally LIVE grappling, I wonder how they do this. Eddie Bravo started BJJ in his late teens or when he was 20 I think, then he beat Royler in Abi Dhabi, what the hell was he doing for those years in between? Did he have a normal job and just train hard when he could, or did he just sleep/eat/train non stop?
    Eddie has always been into music heavly.He became a DJ in hollywood and trained BJJ with JJ Machado(still dose) after he saw UFC 2.


    • #3
      I know he was and I bleive he still is into music, and he makes his own kinda stuff as well i think. But, was he mainly a DJ (for a job) while training for such high level competition? How often must he have trained in order to get that good and still make a living?


      • #4
        Training and sparring to get good at BJJ takes years to learn(im talking very good like high blue and purple level)but you train according to the gym's time many days and hours as there are classes.Training for tournys most of the time(im talking about exp guys)was done in the gym...and the training for big comps is basically mostly attributes and harder sparring...which maybe you might do after class or on days the gym is supposted to be closed.


        • #5
          So for the bigger competitions people often not only grapple when class is in session, but go hardcore after class in a seperate facility or just not in actual class hours? And people still make a living working at the same time?


          • #6
            Originally posted by danfaggella
            So for the bigger competitions people often not only grapple when class is in session, but go hardcore after class in a seperate facility or just not in actual class hours? And people still make a living working at the same time?
            From what ive seen and been involved in....i have always trained hard and sparred at a somewhat high level in boxing muay thai bjj...etc etc etc in class.After class is over the guys who fight in tournys or have single fights comming up...train and have the whole gym to themselves to work with other guys who compete at a higher intensity of cardio..driling and sparring.This is usually done in the same gym but alot of times when i was training with Matt Serra he trained with Renzo at his gym in the city.Most people work during the day who have full time jobs...most gyms dont begin class untill night time or they have late classes where people go and train after work.

