I am posting a notiffication of MMA training camps. We have 1 week, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month options. You will receive a handmade gi from Brasil and certification as a MMA trainer. We do provide housing for all who do a 3, 6 and 12 month option and may be able to do so for those that do the 1 week option if given enough time in advance. For more info check our website, email, or call. The website has details on the 1 year training camp. It is located at www.advancedfightingarts.net and click the MMA training camp link. Our email is info@advancedfightingarts.net and our toll free number is 866-801-1206.
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MMA Training camp.
I hate so say that the logo looks like a 12 year old made it in photoshop, and that Andrew Whatshisname (founder) looks like some kind of hippie and I have no idea how he has the money to establish such a buisness.
Seems like a decent place, I suppose, there are 2 solid BJJ fellows and a Kempo guy allong with a Philipino martial art guy, not exactly a huge variety but I'm sure other people come in to give sceminars and techniques are taught out of those few styles.
Originally posted by danfaggellaAlso, the poeple in the photos are all from the same sceminar and none of them seem to be aspiring martial artist, take a look fro yourself. Why does the photo section only have photos from one sceminar, is this place that new or did they only have a single one-time-use camera.
I will address the points brought up 1 by 1. The seminar was in a temp location as we secured a new one. We took that place 2 days before the seminar because our landlord was interfering with our ability to work. As a result, we had to refund numerous people their money, as we could not reach them to notify them of the change. Our dishonest proprietor told them we closed instead of moved. We are now in a 6000 sq ft facility that is much nicer, which we own. As for hair, My hair is short and mildly spiky. Not long, anymore that was an oath and a very personal spiritual journey. As for the logo, I have received many compliments on the logo and continue to do so. It is simply a break apart and reassembling of the various logos affiliated with what is used at our facility.
As for how you can become a MMA coach in a short period, this is first off not a certainty. It depends solely on how you do throughout the camp and how you perform in your fights. We are performance based. You must look at the fact I know many people that gain instructorship in certain arts in just 3 days and that is not granted to all who do those IPTPs. As such, I think that our allotted time is more than sufficient for MMA Coaches, provided of course that you pass all necessary skill tests. We also require you become CPR/First Aid Certified. I am a certified personal trainer. I am currently working on a specialization in martial arts fitness.
I hope this addresses all the necessary issues and I am sorry that 1 guy did not like our logo, but then again as long as we receive more positive than negative we will not change it.