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Question about chokes

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  • Question about chokes

    When you are choking someone out with a rear naked choke(or any choke for that matter) what's one way to tell that the person is unconscious? I recall seing one clip of a person being choked and he seemed to be conscious(his body was flailing and it looked like he was fighting) until the referee stopped the fight, whereupon the guy seemed to just pass out.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
    When you are choking someone out with a rear naked choke(or any choke for that matter) what's one way to tell that the person is unconscious? I recall seing one clip of a person being choked and he seemed to be conscious(his body was flailing and it looked like he was fighting) until the referee stopped the fight, whereupon the guy seemed to just pass out.
    Usually the guy struggles to get out...and if he dose not tap....usually after a few seconds he stops resisting and his body goes limb and falls over and his hands drop.Most of the time it happens somewhat like this...its hard to tell if the person is going out...espically if he isnt making any strange noises.If the noises stop then hes out.


    • #3
      So to be on the safe side kill him! He could be a tricky one.


      • #4
        uhh my only experience putting someone on concious with a RNC is... *while im RNC'ing him*..

        "Uhh.. do you need to tap?"

        *kinda mumbly* "I'm okay"

        *continues with the choke*

        so than the guy went limp... but he was concious after about the time I got to my knees and had seperated myself from him.

        He said he heard me asking if he needed to tap , but it was very far away.

        Hope that offers some .. insight or something.


        • #5
          He goes to sleep, oh and he turns purple first. So once you see a purple face, sleep is not far behind


          • #6
            I mean like it seems to me sometimes they go unconscious but their brain tells the body to keep struggling so it makes it difficult to tell if he's unconscious or not. I'm not sure I've only seen one case of this so I just wanted to make sure how I can tell if a person is about to pass out because I don't want blood on my hands .


            • #7
              prolly no blood, maybe a little puke...

              I highly doubt your going to kill someone with a RNC (unless thats ur intent ^_^).. dont worry about it...


              • #8
                You can't kill someone with a RNC unless you hold it on them for a minute or more. Even then you'll probably just cause brain damage and not death. You're not depriving them of oxygen, so you would have to disrupt the blood flow to the brain for a substantial period of time to do any permanent damage. (Assuming you are doing it right. When done wrong, it's possible to damage the trachea and cause swelling that can lead to asphyxiation).

                A flawlessly executed RNC will put someone out in about 5-8 seconds. If it's not on perfectly tight or if they're able to struggle around, give it 12-15 seconds.

