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Why UFC will never be as good as boxing

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  • Why UFC will never be as good as boxing

    I just saw the FSN special on Rich Franklin and how the UFC started.
    Joe rogan and everyone is commentating how these athletes are better than boxers and deserve the same respect and money, etc.
    I don't see how that is even thinkable. Boxers train hard to be boxers. Each fight is a boxing match. In the Ufc it can become a hug fest and wrestling fest. Boxers never consider themselves great fighters just great boxers. But MMA aren't fighters either. I mean I trained with Jobu Kan BJJ. My teacher never said to consider UFC as the ultimate testing grounds. One of main rule problems in the rules is that you cant hit some one in the back of the head. Or with elbows downward. If you were to train for UFC then get in a real fight you might loose. There is a pressure point in the back of the neck and someone were to punch down on it when you are going for a takedown, it could cripple you. Also there is a also a major PP on the middle of your spine and if someone were to elbow down on it it too would cripple.
    I even remember a time during my highschool football game, where a player from the other school had chop blocked my teammate. Then my teammate elbow dropped him in his spine and the player had to get carted off. It made the news and everything. That was even through pads! So I kind of understand why UFC is frustating to veiwers. Why good strikers loose to good wrestlers. If the rules were different there would be different outcomes. (I doubt that Deigo Sanchez could even beat Brian Gassaway,if Brian were aloud to unload on him) but since rules are rules thats why UFC will never be as respected as Boxing.
    Well anyways!

  • #2

    UFC sucks because you can't hit in the spine and the back of the head. Boxing only alllows punching. How can this possibly be better than MMA?

    MMA is a sport. Most people don't get in "real" fights. Someone from the UFC would do better in a real fight than someone who doesn't know anything about fighting.


    • #3

      You implied that UFC sucks because you can't hit in the spine and the back of the head. Boxing only alllows punching. How can this possibly be better than MMA?

      MMA is a sport. Most people don't get in "real" fights. Someone from the UFC would do better in a real fight than someone who doesn't know anything about fighting.


      • #4
        This is absurd. How can you come off saying such things. What makes boxing "better" intrinsically than MMA competition. Certainly MMA is a much better way to test martial skills, pretty much the only logical way without allowing things that would leave both fighters crippled. Would you like the UFC better if they were gloveless, mouthgaurdless, and had to fight to the death. Many fights of this nature could show a lot about martial arts, but the loss of life and perminent damage to even the winners of such fights would make this kind of competition unrealistic.

        You must understand that MMA is a philosophy of training. Some people will train only kata, some will claim only in a sprotive manner, weather it be grappling and/or striking. This kind of live training, like randori, is VERY logical and can be done safely to allow someone to really feel fro technique and the struggle of combat. People who only know kata are flower-fists, I hate flower-fists.

        I beleive that there is certainly more to the martial arts than UFC allows, but logically the UFC only allows so much, I can't ask too much more than what they allow. However, it is possible to train in the modern live fasion (randori style) and still have knowledge of self-defence, "dirty" techniques not suitable for the ring, such as gouges, groin attacks, certain strikes and join techniques, tendon removals, throat attacks, ect... These techniques can not be sparred with, obviously, but one can gain a knowledge of such pratical self-defence moves and learn how to work them into a real situation without actually having to do them on a training partner.

        This issue of training in technique that is not safe is the general problem of martial arts training. Some people will train only kata, some will train only sparring, some may try to get the feel of technique by working with another person lightly (logical when trying to learn self-defence moves), but I beleive there is truth in all methods, and that one should try to develope and grow as best they can, without placing gospel truths in certain moves for certain situations or certain stances or certain training methods.


        (Also, MMA fighters should not be any less respected than boxers, and as far as martial arts go, they should certainly be put in much higher regard, because they perform martial technique to the farthest sportive limit, which is respecible in its own right, and though MMA competition does not contain all of the MA spectrum, MMA competition can teach us a lot and most MMA fighters are legitimate martial artists, who are better prepared for street confrontations than most of these teacher of "deadly" technique. In a fight to the death between an everyday karate master or kung fu master and a UFC competitior of thier weight, my money is on the UFC man. Unless the karate guy can pull off his "one hit, one kill" philosophy, which I assure you, is illogical.)


        • #5
          Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
          There is a pressure point in the back of the neck and someone were to punch down on it when you are going for a takedown, it could cripple you. Also there is a also a major PP on the middle of your spine and if someone were to elbow down on it it too would cripple.

          Another comic book boy....


          • #6
            Originally posted by danfaggella

            (Also, MMA fighters should not be any less respected than boxers, and as far as martial arts go, they should certainly be put in much higher regard, because they perform martial technique to the farthest sportive limit, which is respecible in its own right, and though MMA competition does not contain all of the MA spectrum, MMA competition can teach us a lot and most MMA fighters are legitimate martial artists, who are better prepared for street confrontations than most of these teacher of "deadly" technique. In a fight to the death between an everyday karate master or kung fu master and a UFC competitior of thier weight, my money is on the UFC man. Unless the karate guy can pull off his "one hit, one kill" philosophy, which I assure you, is illogical.)
            I would put my money on the Master personally, you think that an eagle claw master couldn't get a grip on something on a wrestler/ground fighter (which is the majority of UFC)?

            And Jubaji, pressure points or weak points are not that hard to strike, you think the temples, the back of the neck even the outter knee Etc. are tiny targets that can't be hit in a real fight situation? Some of them aren't pressure points but still disallowed because of their brutal consiquences thusly are counted as weak points.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kuk sool won

              And Jubaji, pressure points or weak points are not that hard to strike, you think the temples, the back of the neck even the outter knee Etc. are tiny targets that can't be hit in a real fight situation? Some of them aren't pressure points but still disallowed because of their brutal consiquences thusly are counted as weak points.

              Ok, how many times have you used these pressure points in a fight to cripple someone?


              • #8
                Boxing is a has been sport, MMA owns the fight world now, they know who the REAL fighters are


                • #9
                  This thread was hopeless from the get go. Boxing and MMA are two different sports. Some people like strawberry ice cream, others like rocky road, can we argue about that next?


                  • #10
                    Eh, come on Lu. Chocolate is obviously far superior to both strawberry and rocky road


                    • #11
                      Chocolate ice cream people are ridiculous posers and will get themselves killed In The Street. Only rocky road has teh L33T.


                      • #12
                        I just think its unfair to say MMA fighters should be less respected than boxers. Or that MMA isn't a good way of testing martial arts. Obviously it doesn't include everything (including super-effective ultra-powerful preasure point striking!) but there is a legitimacy in MMA fighting that puts it above boxing in testing martial art. I don't beleive that either is intrinsically better than the other, so as Lu said this threat was a little wacky from the get go.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gregimotis
                          Chocolate ice cream people are ridiculous posers and will get themselves killed In The Street. Only rocky road has teh L33T.

                          Here's a guy who knows what's up... my rocky road ice cream is like having a .45 in my back pocket


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
                            But MMA aren't fighters either.
                            NO HE DIDN'T!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
                              In the Ufc it can become a hug fest and wrestling fest.
                              Wrestling and grappling are part of the UFC, a HUGE part too. Just because you don't like it dosen't mean it isn't effective and isn't an art. Might I add, you are full of shit, fighters in the UFC train in boxing but incorporate other arts in their training which makes it the "HUGFEST" your talking about. Most fights in the real world end on the ground.

                              Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
                              Boxers never consider themselves great fighters just great boxers.
                              Boxing is a type of fighting whether its a sport or not. If people who FIGHT yes fight for money in a sport aren't considered fighters, hell who the hell will you consider a fighter? So what do you want the UFC FIGHTERS to consider themselves? Great Mixed Martial Artists?

