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A bunch of things

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  • A bunch of things

    Rather than starting a bunch of different threads... I'm gonna just make one...

    First of all... after a month off I'm back to mma... (got injured)... its fucking awesome.. and I can still tap the people out... so I'm glad my skills didnt suffer too badly...

    Second of all, what are your guys thoughts on No-Gi, and Gi training, and only doing Gi training for grappling... I got hurt because some idiots only know how to do a kimura / shoulderlock in no gi.. or thats all they ever go for (14 times in one night).. and they dont set it up nicely or anything either... just push your arm down or w/e... So I'm thinking of just doing gi.. as it seems the people who want to learn new techniques/use actual technique... are there... I can push peoples arms into shoulder locks too.. but Id like to learn so I dont... thoughts on Gi/ No gi...

    Also after class my the injury I had just gotten over seemed to be acting up.... I took a month off.. and a week before returning start to do some body weight exercises.. everything was fine.. its fine now.. maybe I'm just being paranoid... anyone know a good way to prevent re injuring my shoulder/lower back... (im just gonna tap whenever someone even goes for a shoulderlock on that side from now on anyway)

    Oh, and what are some peoples experience with different gi brands? Im looking into getting a new one... and I'm thinking of Atama gold weave, anyone with experience with this?

    Hmmm.. there was one more thing but this is long enough... any thoughts on any of this?

  • #2
    Thoughts on Gi and no Gi...Id say it really depends on you. No Gi is better for street stuff and MMA because it lets you not rely on the gi grabbing and such. However, the gi makes it a lot more technical. Its a choice I think.


    • #3
      Do both gi and no gi. Contrary to popular belief, people don't always walk around drenched in sweat and wearing a rash guard and board shorts.


      • #4
        This is the truth, though I am mainly a no-Gi person, I think Gi is pretty valid for real situations. Gi throws and submissions will work on someone with clothing, and working with the Gi on gets you to feel how grappling with normal clothing on is. Though its proabaly not a good idea to depend on a Gi, knowledge of grappling with clothing grips makes you more well rounded and may help prepare you for an out-of-dojo confrontation.


        • #5
          I personally think a mix of no-gi and gi would be the most beneficial for self defense purposes and could be useful if you ever fight someone who wheres a gi, or if you become good enough with yours you could wear it in fights. But about the shoulder lock thing, you could just tell your training partners to take it easy on your shoulder and maybe avoid going for shoulder locks, I think most training partners would be fine with it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SamuraiGuy

            Oh, and what are some peoples experience with different gi brands? Im looking into getting a new one... and I'm thinking of Atama gold weave, anyone with experience with this?
            I've used Atama, Keiko Raca, Mizuno Rickson Grace, and Koral. The Koral is my favourite, the Atama second. I like the way the Atama fits, but the soft material of the Koral is fantastic. It doesn't feel like canvas after you wash it a couple of times like other gis.


            • #7
              the gi is great for self defense. there are many lethal gi techniques in the form of strangles and chokes. everyone wears clothing. it also allows u develope awesome grip strength which will help out your no gi game.

              i mean, wouldnt u like to learn tons of ways to strangle people with their own clothing as well as your own? as a martial artist id love to have that in my arsenal.

              and for any of u who think its not practical, the next time u go out remember to take notice of what people are wearing, and their collars. u will see how gi techniques of some kind can almost always be used on people.


              • #8



                Lets move on.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tant01


                  Lets move on.
                  don't you remember your first time.


                  • #10
                    Yeah as I live in Canada... and alot of other places too... were wearing coats and pants, or long sleeve shirts and pants.. etc.. more than were wearing shorts and a t shirt.. thats why I think I would be able to cut out No-Gi... also every once in awhile I will train No-Gi.. but prolly with the 140 pound blue belts haha... they dont bother with forced shoulder locks...

                    I also feel your no gi game greaty improves the more you train gi.. sure some techniques may not carry over but alot does...

                    and either way I dont plan in getting in a bunch of fights anytime soon... so... my main reason for doing Jiu Jitsu is I enjoy it, respect it and want to get better at it.. and I guess I can choke some fools if the need arose... whatever though..

                    Hmmm ill take alook at the koral gi's thanks for the tip... wonder what the price difference is..

                    Thanks for the comments guys.


                    • #11
                      Basically, Gi, or pyjamas, is for gay people wanting to hide their manhood when they are "rolling" for fear of the other gay people seeing how small their little man really is. No Gi is where the technique is. Surely the idea of MMA is to hurt your opponent therefore your opponent did the right thing and here you are whining and bitching about it.

                      To prevent reinjuring yourself, or getting tapped like a loser again, i think you should just give up completely. You are obviously wasting your money if you keep getting tapped out and "injured" to basic things such as a kimura.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bruceleeisfake
                        Basically, Gi, or pyjamas, is for gay people wanting to hide their manhood when they are "rolling" for fear of the other gay people seeing how small their little man really is. No Gi is where the technique is. Surely the idea of MMA is to hurt your opponent therefore your opponent did the right thing and here you are whining and bitching about it.

                        To prevent reinjuring yourself, or getting tapped like a loser again, i think you should just give up completely. You are obviously wasting your money if you keep getting tapped out and "injured" to basic things such as a kimura.

                        That is funny . I train without gi. I also live in Canada. I have been in and seen a few street fights in winter. Almost every time, if there is a square off, one or both guys rip their coats off (or sweaters, heavy shirts, whatever) and toss them dramatically aside (leaving usually t-shirt, wife beater or bare chest). Maybe I have just been witness to some of the most macho clowns around, who knows? I do not think gi training is gay or ineffective, but they would definitely benefit from learning some over/underhooks,etc..


                        • #13
                          lol theres overhooks and underhooks in the gi training too... as for the guy above you, that was kinda a poor attempt at humour/trolling, really... dont bother...

                          hmm I've seen a few fights in winter and canada... and one person ended up getting jerseyed with their coat... another one was a person getting mugged.. .and he pulled his coat off.. but the muggers didnt.. (he actually ended up winning because he punched one of the two guys and after getting punched the guy just took his bag and ran away)

                          cant say I've seen any more than that in winter.. that I can remember... hmmm... yeah apparently people dont like fighting in winter...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                            lol theres overhooks and underhooks in the gi training too... as for the guy above you, that was kinda a poor attempt at humour/trolling, really... dont bother...

                            hmm I've seen a few fights in winter and canada... and one person ended up getting jerseyed with their coat... another one was a person getting mugged.. .and he pulled his coat off.. but the muggers didnt.. (he actually ended up winning because he punched one of the two guys and after getting punched the guy just took his bag and ran away)

                            cant say I've seen any more than that in winter.. that I can remember... hmmm... yeah apparently people dont like fighting in winter...
                            hooks, ETC.. I was refering to all the no gi nuances. You are right about not wanting to fight in winter though. Most prefer to just stay warm, but it does happen. Getting 'jerseyed' with your coat... good reason to get rid of it if you have time before the battle! Hockey fights on the other hand.... these guys should learn some Judo throws, instead of just tossing mostly one handed flurries ( the other hand is usually buried in opponents sweater for use as a lever to adjust the target)


                            • #15
                              Well im saying others dont get rid of their coats, I know I would want too, just like i'd rather fight jiu jitsu with no gi, as long as they were still wearing their gi lol

