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Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie

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  • #16
    I'm not sure if the rule has changed..

    but in a UFC FIGHT (caps lol)...

    they wear allowed to wear Gi's for the longest time, and in pride they still are, im not sure why they wouldnt be.


    • #17

      Nope not anymore,
      Since early 2002 lots of rules has changed.
      No Gi's, no shoes, no shirts.
      Pretty much any thing that can help even the odds for strikers vs grapplers.
      Check out my last thread called UFC wont be as popular as boxing.
      It just says how if UFC were to change the rules even more, strikers could be dominant force in the UFC.



      • #18
        Royce Gracie is one the best practitioner of BJJ I have ever seen. I don't think Matt is skilled enough to compete with Royce on the ground. For some of the younger people out there who haven't seen Royce in action, you may want to look at some of his old fights. He has taken out some good fighters in his day. I think he is going to embarrass Matt Hughes.


        • #19
          [QUOTE=nevertap2]Royce Gracie is one the best practitioner of BJJ I have ever seen. QUOTE]

          Yes Royce is good, but Rickson is 10 times better at BJJ.


          • #20
            One thing about Huges and Royce, Hughes only once has faught someone with the ground games as good as Royce, and that was Penn, and Penn OWNED Hughes in every sense of the word, so Royce will do the same.
            Ever watch a "regular" black belt in BJJ roll with one of the masters, its like a regular black and white belt. Hughes will get owned, my guess


            • #21
              I pray every night that you are right about that.


              • #22
                Originally posted by OmaPlata
                One thing about Huges and Royce, Hughes only once has faught someone with the ground games as good as Royce, and that was Penn, and Penn OWNED Hughes in every sense of the word, so Royce will do the same.
                Ever watch a "regular" black belt in BJJ roll with one of the masters, its like a regular black and white belt. Hughes will get owned, my guess
                Carlos Newton has a solid ground game... if the fall from the fricking ceiling hadn't knocked him out cold, I think he would have won... In fact I think he had locked in a triangle which made hughes pass out and drop him.... but hughes had difficulty with him.


                • #23
                  that was a great match, but gracie now almost 40 with no GI. I gotta go with Matt.


                  • #24
                    ya gracie is good, he used to be good. now, most likely not. back in the day no one knew what the hell they were doing, they didnt train like the gracies. now everyone trains. matt hughes may have lost to penn, but how long ago was that? and if you look at hughes last couple of fights, hes won with submissions. so obvioulsy hes been working on those and hes gotten alot better. and as far as penn and gsp, thats a match that should happen. gsp lost to hughes, why should he get another title shot so soon. penn beat hughes so its only right for the two rightful contenders to fight each other. my vote is on hughes because gracie is going to go to the ground and hughes said he was gonna stand up. and hughes is goo with both. either why the ufc is going to make a butt load of cash, so im not making a sure bet, i rather watch the fight if i can afford the damn price, rather than state opinion.


                    • #25
                      Give it to Gracie...

                      Matt will make a mistake and Royce will choke him out with Hadaka Jime. (rear naked choke) in the 2nd round.

                      Or not...


                      • #26
                        why would a gi make any difference?

                        Hughes was out, but he recovered before Newton.


                        • #27
                          Why would the Gi make a difference?! Maybe because Royce was BORN in one.


                          • #28
                            So? A gi would be useful to Royce if Matt was wearing one. Not wearing a gi gives Matt less to grab on to. The only way wearing a gi would be useful to Royce is if he managed to use it to choke Matt.

                            Royce is a professional. Not wearing a gi means the match will be more sweaty and will interfere with his grip, but he's gone no-gi before. He will continue training no-gi up until the match, I'm sure.


                            • #29
                              As you said the Gi provides numerous choking options and will make Matt less slippery when trying to lock up that armbar that I'm PRAYING Royce will use.


                              • #30
                                So, if he wore a Gi, it would be to soak up Matt's sweat and provide opporatunitys for skirt chokes and locks.

