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Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie

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  • Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie

    This fight is taking place in the May UFC. Vote on who you think will win and post your prediction as to how the fight will go down....
    Matt Hughes
    Royce Gracie

  • #2
    Wow, its the mysterious Tim.

    I shit myself several times when I saw Danna tell us this fight was going donw on Spike TV. I love Royce way more than Matt, even though Matt is younger, stronger, and is in the peak pf his MMA career. I hope Royce wears a gi, and ruins Matt, but that is so doubtful. He is older and very very grappling-orriented. I think Royce will be trying to pull gaurd and Matt will end the fight with a whole lot of punching skill.


    • #3
      I hope Royce wins. I really think he is that good. Even at 39 I think he will kick ass although Matt Hughes is a real bad ass as well. Royce is why I take BJJ.


      • #4
        This fight is taking place under what sanctioning body, UFC or Pride? And are there special rules for Royce, no time limits and such? These factor greatly in making a prediction. Royce is 10 times the fighter Hughes could ever hope to be, but if its 5 minute rounds, who knows. Pretty much depends on how they get to the ground and who gains control. Ive never seen Royce dominated on the ground, but with the cage, if its UFC, Hughes COULD get control and GNP Royce. I pick Royce though, superior ground game


        • #5
          Link to the fight info


          • #6

            Not much of a match for MAtt.
            No gi allowed so it shouldn't be to hard for Matt.
            I was under the impression that Gracie was supposed to fight Frank Shamrock?
            Have you heard of this?


            • #7
              if they take the time limit out, and let royce where a gi....matt's getting owned.....if it's 3 rounds and 5mins a pop....that forces royce to work, and be offensive, which really isn't how BJJ works. you have to wait for the other guy to do something stupid.

              DAN SEVERN VS ROYCE....same thing as matt vs royce.....just a time limit, badguy allot smaller, and no gi.


              • #8
                I think Matt will beat Royce. Time limit or no time limit.
                Just an assumption though I'm not fully sure.


                • #9
                  I'm going to say Royce will take it. Hughes thinks Gracie is too old and unprepared........big mistake. Didn't Royce once have a fight that lasted 2 hours or some insane time like that?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ciscodog
                    I'm going to say Royce will take it. Hughes thinks Gracie is too old and unprepared........big mistake. Didn't Royce once have a fight that lasted 2 hours or some insane time like that?

                    1.5 hrs against Sak. 30 minute rounds. Royce failed to continue due to a broken ankle. Far as I know. Royce has never been KO'd or submitted


                    • #11
                      I'd like to say Royce, but it's gonna be Matt

                      I dunno if Royce has ever handled succesfully (past the first five UFC's guys...) anybody with Hughes' power. It's easy to see Matt body slamming Royce halfway across the octagon. Royce will just work the guard. I love Royce, but let's be honest, when Royce was on top (during UFC I-V)(1) not everybody was familiar with or competent with the guard or ground fighting in general, (2) fighters weren't as well rounded (people still represented a "style", nowadays, everybody is all-around: boxing, muay thai and BJJ/wrestling) and (3) ground-and-pound as a winning strategy wasn't there (imagine Severn actually punching and hitting Royce for thirty something minutes like in UFC IV). IMHO.


                      • #12
                        It would be so cool if Royce won.

                        But a lot of things would be great if it actually happened. The only way I see Matt losing is if he is dumb enough to not train properly. I don't think he's that dumb.


                        • #13
                          Bah! that means GSP won't get a title shot until a few months after the fight.


                          • #14
                            Well Jeez Omoplata... dont squeeze Royce's nuts too hard or we may not get to see the fight at all.

                            I'm pretty sure Royce will get to wear his gi... but it will probably be 3 five minute rounds...

                            or rather 5, 5 minute rounds if its for the title...

                            With that said... I think Hughes has the better chance of winning, but Royce could win...

                            that seems like a fairly obvious statement.. but.. the only way I really see Royce winning is...

                            Hughes gets the takedown (This 99.9% of the time is going to happen)...
                            Royce gets it back to gaurd, or lands in gaurd.
                            Matt proceeds with ground and pound, and Royces submissions are so good he subs him from his back.

                            That is really the only way I can see him winning, I dont see him winning the stand up fight.. there is no way hes gonna take hughes down.. no way... strength + far superior wrestling... is just way too big, and I doubt he will get on top for very long... a sub off his back is the only way I can see him winning...

                            With that said... I think his chances of doing this are better than almost anyone out there, unlike some other BJJ masters weve seen his bjj work while hes getting punched in the face..

                            So I'm gonna have to go with Hughes, as I see him controlling, and dominating the fight, he has more ways to win... but he could get caught and subbed...

                            Oh, and... I think it would have been hilarious if Royce had said "I'm going to tap you like a white belt son"... lol...


                            • #15
                              ITS a UFC fight people.
                              NO GIS allowed.
                              And yes he was ko'd by the gracie hunter 4 year ago.

