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Rickson Gracie beach fight video

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
    Oh for the love of god who gives a ****.. this ad is over ten years old...

    Were not out getting david carridine, or chuck norris "self defense" videos and posting them in Tai Chi and karate forums.. (well im not at least anyway).. just give it a rest...

    you got any old "street fights" of chucky or dave? Id love to see that


    • #17
      Originally posted by BoarSpear
      you got any old "street fights" of chucky or dave? Id love to see that
      eh fak off boarspear lol...

      just woke up I dont have to make sense..

      you damn well knew I meant crap they sold as good self defense... when it clearly wasnt...

      I got a clip of chucking beating a women up though if ya want that?


      • #18
        why did you bother posting that video.
        I saw that video over 15 years ago.
        Damn why dont you go show some clips of ali vs frazier.
        Thats up for better discussion


        • #19
          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          Theres no point coming out with the "but they both had friends there", or "they would have had Royler to deal with" type arguments. On the dialogue, this was shown as a good way to win in the street. It did NOT say "this is the way to win in the street if your brothers are there."

          This wasnt a random street fight dummy. Rickson knew the guy, he had come by the Gracie dojo several times taunting the students and calling out Rickson, who oddly enough, wasnt there when Hugo would show up.
          Bitch slapping the guy is exatly the way to starting the beatdown of the idiot. Humiliate the guy first, then finish him off.


          • #20
            It's easy to pull guard when you have sand to fall backwards on.


            • #21
              He's just lucky there wasn't any broken glass or lava....


              • #22
                Lots of respect for BJJ practioners...but in my own personal opinion whether you care or not I had to comment and express it, this is a terrible example of promoting BJJ as a street effective art...there are no winners or losers in a street what if Mr. Duarte lost?...his spirit still lives and that's something Mr. Rickson will never get. Why do so many people get caught up with this feeling of superiority? There will always be a much Higher Power!



                • #23
                  WELL I don't quite know what to make of that?

                  I had to watch it over again.

                  I am a big admirer of the Gracies - but that was not a convincing performance by Rickson!

                  If I didn't know better - I'd say it wasn't even him!

                  But someone of far less ability!

                  If you look closely , apart from the end -
                  he did not look in control or even very comfortable!

                  Not the Grace of a Gracie!

                  But we all have off days I spose?

                  And he ended up victorious - I presume?


                  • #24
                    WELL I don't quite know what to make of that?

                    I had to watch it over again.

                    I am a big admirer of the Gracies - but that was not a convincing performance by Rickson!

                    If I didn't know better - I'd say it wasn't even him!

                    But someone of far less ability!

                    If you look closely , apart from the end -
                    he did not look in control or even very comfortable!

                    Not the Grace of a Gracie!

                    But we all have off days I spose?

                    And he ended up victorious - I presume?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by LIGHTSPEED
                      Lots of respect for BJJ practioners...but in my own personal opinion whether you care or not I had to comment and express it, this is a terrible example of promoting BJJ as a street effective art...there are no winners or losers in a street what if Mr. Duarte lost?...his spirit still lives and that's something Mr. Rickson will never get. Why do so many people get caught up with this feeling of superiority? There will always be a much Higher Power!


                      His spirt lives in a video of him getting BITCHED SLAPPED and then worked


                      • #26
                        God knows what he's on about!

                        Been out in the sun too much - me thinks!

                        Or been hitting the bottle - instead of the punch bag?

                        But don't worry - as your "spirit" will live on!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by CHOKE UK
                          God knows what he's on about!

                          Been out in the sun too much - me thinks!

                          Or been hitting the bottle - instead of the punch bag?

                          But don't worry - as your "spirit" will live on!
                          Hey its Choke UK!

                          Good to see you man.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by OmaPlata
                            This wasnt a random street fight dummy. Rickson knew the guy, he had come by the Gracie dojo several times taunting the students and calling out Rickson, who oddly enough, wasnt there when Hugo would show up.
                            Bitch slapping the guy is exatly the way to starting the beatdown of the idiot. Humiliate the guy first, then finish him off.
                            Durrrrr. Durrrrr.

                            I never said it was a random street fight. I said that Rorion was claiing that the fight showed how suitable the system was for self defence.

                            Durrrrr. Durrrrrr.

                            So do you think it is on that evidence, or not?

                            Durrrrrr. Durrrrr.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Thai Bri
                              Durrrrr. Durrrrr.

                              I never said it was a random street fight. I said that Rorion was claiing that the fight showed how suitable the system was for self defence.

                              Durrrrr. Durrrrrr.

                              So do you think it is on that evidence, or not?

                              Durrrrrr. Durrrrr.

                              If you watch the whole Gracies in Action DVD, its only 1 fight of many that example the way BJJ works in street fights. This example, it worked perfectly, not only that, Rickson was so certain that it would work, he had the confidence to bitch slap the opponent before it even started. He could have sucked punched him, took his back, etc, no, he gave him a fair fight. I suggest watching the Gracies in Action 1 and 2, the bonus material with the high school kids fighting too.


                              • #30

