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Old Schooler's Check this out!

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  • Old Schooler's Check this out!

    Remember the good old days of open style full-contact fighting? Style vs. Style. Not brawling but real skill with real contact? Sweeps allowed. Good fun.

    Found this clip: Its an ITF TKD/Judo Stylist (long-haired korean guy) fighting a Kyokushin Karate guy (white guy).


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  • #2
    nice old clip tom!!


    • #3
      Thanks, I guess 90's is old school in MA time


      • #4
        Good stuff.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tom Yum
          Thanks, I guess 90's is old school in MA time
          i guess that makes me an antique


          • #6
            That was pretty sweet. One thing that I always wonder about: why don't so many styles keep their hands up to protect getting kicked or whatever in the head? I know that in a lot of karate fighting rules you can't punch to the face, so that's not an issue, but it seems like it be handy to have your hands up for when a foot comes flying at your chin.

            Maybe they're just too lazy or not strong enough to keep them up... j.k.


            • #7
              i always figured that the hands were down because its easier to hide the kicks intent if the upper body isnt involved in the action, and since they dont punch the face, they favored the kicks and the hands down position enables the exotic kicks...


              • #8
                That makes sense. It seems like they could also keep there hands up a bit more and even use them to sort of distract people and hide the kick too...


                • #9
                  Hurray for the Judo.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    i guess that makes me an antique
                    Your still young in my eyes Boar....althoigh i havnt had them checked in awhile.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JkD187
                      Your still young in my eyes Boar....althoigh i havnt had them checked in awhile.
                      i got a phone a phone call from my eldest daughter today, it seems im going to be a grandad very soon (due date feb 6th) ...Its official, im old but wait, its a boy!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        i got a phone a phone call from my eldest daughter today, it seems im going to be a grandad very soon (due date feb 6th) ...Its official, im old but wait, its a boy!
                        Congradulations! now you have another little one to hit the wooden dummy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JkD187
                          Congradulations! now you have another little one to hit the wooden dummy.
                          Yeah all the boys have been grown awhile and are playing in georges sandbox instead of mine, so a new little one to train is gonna be sweet someone else is gonna have to teach his litte ass the caporeria though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            i got a phone a phone call from my eldest daughter today, it seems im going to be a grandad very soon (due date feb 6th) ...Its official, im old but wait, its a boy!


                            • #15
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