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Hair Fit For A Martial Artist

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  • Hair Fit For A Martial Artist

    This is more of a poll then anything. I want to know what style of hair you had when you started martial arts, and what style of hair you have now. I choose to post the thread in MMA forum because it is the most commonly used thread on the site.

    Me personally, i went from spikey hair to dreadlocks.

  • #2
    full circle for me as of today... I started with a military issue haircut thanks to my dear old dad grew a pony tail that reached my belt and a long beard.
    But now that im a granddad it seemed time to grow up, cant have grandad setting bad its all gone. all my pastimes just became the past...i can still enjoy my mezcal and grandma though so it aint all bad...she gonna clobber me when she reads this, hehehe


    • #3
      from mohawk to stupid generic haircut, but that was just so i could get a job If it weren't for that i'd still have the mohawk, now i'm trying to grow it out longer.


      • #4
        I like it short. it's better for fighting unless you know ponytail chokes....


        • #5
          Long hair sucks. It gets in your mouth and fighter can pull it.
          Just shave your head like us!


          • #6
            Short seems a lot easier for me. ...Mine always got pulled out in chunks when it was long. It's 1/4 of an inch right now, MUCH easier to deal with.


            • #7
              When I first started I had long hair. I looked a LOT like the guy in the first photo. The guy in the second photo is me. I got my hair cut short about a year into my training.


              • #8
                The shorter, the better. My hair is the same length as Miss Teak, but faded to 1/8 on the sides.


                • #9
                  I have the pixe cut now but once and a while I'll let it grow to my shoulders and tie it back in a pony tail.


                  • #10
                    I've always worn it short, but since I've started training I wear it just barely long enough to part on one side but still too short for anyone to get a decent grip on it. This way I stay cooler when I train and I never have to worry about it being used against me.


                    • #11
                      Short... short .. short..

                      I hate long hair.. and I hate when my hair gets long... I can never understand guys with long hair.. or wierd hair.. just.. strange...

                      I like a hair cut you can set your watch too...

                      Damn straight... all you need for a haircut is to "shorten it"... from your little mexican barber.. damn straight... none of this hippy shit..

                      (I feel very strongly about long hair... I hate it .. dont know why.. just pisses me off... damn kids with shags... )


                      • #12
                        Im the run of the mill, incredibly good looking british trendy, so medium length waxed up for me, im keeping my model looks for as long as possible!


                        • #13
                          I love british women.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LoneHusky
                            I love british women.
                            ps - KSW is a guy.


                            • #15
                              me too why do you think i try my best to look so god damn sexy?

