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little kids cage fightting ,what is up and is there videon on line to see?

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  • #31
    you guy suck you did not watch the video in a reply in page 1
    and i thank you all should shut up i mad
    at the way you thank this sport is
    the sport is like the ufc fighting why can't you understand that
    go find the link and watch it from a very unhappy board member matt blake


    • #32
      I may guy suck but at least I don't lil boy suck.


      • #33
        Originally posted by matbla
        you guy suck you did not watch the video in a reply in page 1
        and i thank you all should shut up i mad
        at the way you thank this sport is
        the sport is like the ufc fighting why can't you understand that
        go find the link and watch it from a very unhappy board member matt blake
        The links are all dead, so of course we didnt watch them

        Also if you are always so unhappy perhaps some therapy is in order...if its just this board that makes you an unhappy camper then i would advise not camping so often


        • #34
          leave me alone


          • #35
            heres an idea, if you want people to leave you alone stop posting goon


            • #36
              Originally posted by matbla
              leave me alone
              you're cured.


              • #37
                Originally posted by LoneHusky
                you're cured.
                I nticdthat a wel


                • #38
                  Hey matt lemmie get the ball rollin fer i am reading todays paper, see no biggie...
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    i dunno, i thought it was to honor Bill Clinton.

                    do you like my paper though? a student bought the paper and took the pic, did he do a good job? do you like my paper?

                    It comes in black and white, except on sundays...then the funnies are in color!! I like snoopy....oops i almost got off my own newspaper... do you like it?


                    • #40
                      No, just my singlasses and my gi The headgear interferes with the tinfoil hats ability to deflect the beams man....its REALLY important to wear it while reading the paper!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        i dunno, i thought it was to honor Bill Clinton.

                        do you like my paper though? a student bought the paper and took the pic, did he do a good job? do you like my paper?

                        It comes in black and white, except on sundays...then the funnies are in color!! I like snoopy....oops i almost got off my own newspaper... do you like it?

                        Nice, I see your looking for the nearest BJJ Gracie Dojo in that paper. Finally you see the light


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by OmaPlata
                          Nice, I see your looking for the nearest BJJ Gracie Dojo in that paper. Finally you see the light
                          Nah i saved the funnies till back on topic!! Do you like my paper? what about my cane?
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            How do you like my paper? it has my picture on it, are you happy now?
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by BoarSpear
                              Nah i saved the funnies till back on topic!! Do you like my paper? what about my cane?
                              Wow... now thats an owning.


                              • #45
                                Wow, you penciled in a stache too...LOL.

