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What's the farthest you would drive to go to a school?

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  • What's the farthest you would drive to go to a school?

    We found a good school 30 miles from our home town. The dilemna lies in the 60 miles we would have to take twice a week. None of our vehicles get the best of mileage, maybe 22 at the best. Would you make the trip? Do you think we could just go once a week for two hours? I know I should be talking to the school, but just thought I'd get some opinions first. Thanks

  • #2
    I can only ride my bike down to the stop sign. Lucky my school is only 1 block away. So I would say 20 feet.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
      I can only ride my bike down to the stop sign. Lucky my school is only 1 block away. So I would say 20 feet.



      • #4
        I used to drive two hours each way for class and as much as I wanted to convince myself otherwise, it was too long. That coupled with not having a training partner and their ridiculously early start time and I was out within several months. Class now is biking distance, and I do go to a gym that's about a 20-min drive, but a half hour is probably about max. Maybe more if I had someone to share driving with.


        • #5
          I go 35-40 mins to my school, and a little longer on the way back, and I do it at least 3 times a week. It sucks hard, but all the local schools are terrible and I need somewhere to grapple. It makes it better when I have some friends rolling allong with me.


          • #6
            I like to jog to classes, its about a 10-15 minutes jog there and the same back, its probably the longest distance i would go by jogging, i used to get the train to kick boxing, took about 1 hour 45, it was just too far, it took up my entire evening so i had to quit in the end.


            • #7
              I used to drive 60 miles one way when I was a white belt, that was 15 years ago and now I am a Black Belt. I do not regret it at all. I also drove 200 miles for seminars several times.


              • #8
                I drive about 40 K to the class, and 40 K back obviously.... dont mind the drive, but it can be somewhat expensive on the gas... it also isnt the greatest in winter sometimes, but its the best place around, by far, no bullshit, soo... gotta do what I gotta do right.

                Fastest I've got there is 30 minutes, longest.. prolly an hour... depends if I take the road, or the freeway.


                • #9
                  It takes me about 45 minutes to get to my BJJ school. I try to go at least twice a week. Sure the gas sucks, but the drive is relaxing, and the school is worth it.


                  • #10
                    Maybe go in once a week and find a local place to train close by. Once a week at the main school is enough to give you something to work on all week.


                    • #11
                      If you like the school then the drive is worth it.


                      • #12
                        It depends on how much you love the sport & how many good teachers there are. A couple of years ago, me & my training partner would drive 3.5 to 4 hours each way to train at the closest decent BJJ school (Gracie Barra Essex, in the UK). We would do the journey once or twice a month, and drill the techniques together between classes.

                        My training partner then trained at the Gracie Academy in LA for six months, and we´re now both living and training in Barra, Rio. So I guess if it´s important enough to you, you´ll go where the training is.

                        But then not everyone´s a BJJ geek - some of you probably have life´s


                        • #13
                          Yeah, Robert mentioned to me in a PM how the distance wasn't too bad. I guess I'll do it and give em a call next week. Thanks guys


                          • #14
                            Yeah, Robert mentioned to me in a PM how the distance wasn't too bad. I guess I'll do it and give em a call next week. Thanks guys


                            • #15
                              I currenty drive about 75 miles round trip 5x a week to train at my current location.

