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  • Armbar

    Hey guys,

    I'm very new in bbj and just wanted to ask you guys something. When doing the armbar from the mount, does it hurt your crotch? I was too embarrassed to asked, but I got everything secure and started leaning back and thrusting my hips into it, the guys arm would smash my package. That and I get kneed a lot there when rolling with a chick who is half my size and she is on top and I have her in half guard and she is advancing foward trying to get her leg out. I just get kneed there a lot...I know



  • #2

    When attempting the arm-bar, instead of using your package to apply pressure, you are supposed to pinch the arm in your thighs. This allows for more leverage and protects your "boys".

    I think this is a common misconception and I would only use my crotch for leverage if I had a cup on.


    • #3
      Suck it up!

      lol... well thats kinda what I do and kinda what I dont.

      Most of the time, it doesnt hurt the crotch, and thats just great, if it does however... I'll sacrifice for an armbar... well.. sometimes... lol..

      as for getting kneed in the crotch or w/e... I dont know... only happened to me a few times...

      you could always buy a cup, or suck it up...


      • #4
        Cups are kinda wierd to get used to, but its worth a shot. Also, try pinching the arm or at least bending the arm over the side of the thigh not EXACTLY on the loins. You'll also get used to it and you wont get hurt.


        • #5
          Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame?

          Originally posted by jimbo7
          Hey guys,

          I'm very new in bbj and just wanted to ask you guys something. When doing the armbar from the mount, does it hurt your crotch? I was too embarrassed to asked, but I got everything secure and started leaning back and thrusting my hips into it, the guys arm would smash my package. That and I get kneed a lot there when rolling with a chick who is half my size and she is on top and I have her in half guard and she is advancing foward trying to get her leg out. I just get kneed there a lot...I know


          You're doing it wrong...

          Uke's elbow must be on tori's abdomen in the final position, so sitting close under the elbow is essential. Scoot your butt closer! Try to keep Uke's hand up by your head and don't flop too far from the shoulder when you transition into cross body position from your mount...

          Juji Gatame -- Cross Armlock by Neil Ohlenkamp The Kodokan Judo technique Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame is commonly called juji gatame, or cross armlock. It gets its


          • #6
            Hey guys, thanks for the response. Yeah, cups are uncomfortable and they move out of place and can cause even more pain if they shift out even slightly. I've heard some bad horror stories. Anyway, I am pinching the guys arm with my leg, then scoot my legs towards my butt, then point my toes inward, then secure the arm by the elbow and making sure his pinky is pointing away from me, lean back and elevate my hips.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jimbo7
              ....Anyway, I am pinching the guys arm with my leg, then scoot my legs towards my butt, then point my toes inward, then secure the arm by the elbow and making sure his pinky is pointing away from me, lean back and elevate my hips.

              I'm not sure what the heck his little finger position has to do with Jujigatame but his thumb should be pointing away from you in the final position...

