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Anybody know when Pride will be released on U.S. DVD?

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  • Anybody know when Pride will be released on U.S. DVD?

    I read at that Rage will be selling Pride DVDs, so I was wondering if anyone had heard when they would be released and if they're starting with the first Pride show or later ones.

    Also, I've been waiting for over two months for to ship my IFC 5 disc DVD set and just found out I have to wait another 6 weeks or so. Does anyone know of any other place where I can order the set and if so, how much?

  • #2
    r pride tapes even available in north america? i go to the pride site but theres no useful info in english. anyone who knows, it would be appreciated.


    • #3
      It's going to be a while before you can get DVD's for most MMA events. The DVD recorders still haven't been released on the market, and won't be for a few more months. Even when they do there are going to run about $3,000, so very few big companies will have them, and since different companies have the rights it will be some time before you can get the majority of the events on DVD. I would guess next December you'll see a lot on the markett. The price will drop to about $1,000, and all the video companies will have them then.


      • #4
        it's good to see an effort is being made to have such great quality and the ability to freeze the action, DVD is the way to go


        • #5
          Originally posted by tuffguy
          It's going to be a while before you can get DVD's for most MMA events. The DVD recorders still haven't been released on the market, and won't be for a few more months. Even when they do there are going to run about $3,000, so very few big companies will have them, and since different companies have the rights it will be some time before you can get the majority of the events on DVD. I would guess next December you'll see a lot on the markett. The price will drop to about $1,000, and all the video companies will have them then.
          I think you're confusing consumer electronics with commercial DVD production. DVD-R is a consumer standard, commercial DVD duplication uses a different technique. Regarding Pride, the announcement has already been made that the event will be released on DVD in North America, however, details are sparse. Incidentally, WCC, IFC, Battlecade and some of the UFC's are avilable on DVD already.


          • #6
            Try Or got to there hmepage at they have an all-around store.


            • #7
              I was really surprised to find that all kinds of events are on DVD here in Japan. Does anyone know if the DVD's in Japan will work in America, on a DVD-rom? There's so much cool sh*t here. Even Colliseum 2000 is on DVD here.


              • #8
                Thanks, Martial Artist, I'll check those links out.

                I wanted to point out that King of the Cage is also available on DVD and Jeff Osborne recently announced that Hook N'Shoot events will be released on DVD shortly as well.

                It's been slow to catch on, but NHB is coming to DVD. Considering how fans love to watch events over and over, DVD is the perfect format since discs don't wear out like VHS tapes do. Also, since you can fit over 6 hours of material on one disc (actually, I think that's on each side, but I don't remember for sure), it helps for long events like Pride. No more need for double cassette sets or edited fights.


                • #9
                  Thanx Martial Artist, i'll wait for the price to come down a bit, 39.99 is a little high for me right now.

