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Foot sweeps in wrestling?

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  • Foot sweeps in wrestling?

    I was reading the latest grappling magazine and there was an article about some guy who was goot with foot sweeps. I am just curious if anyone has ever done a footsweep in wrestling or BJJ. If so, then how they set them up.

  • #2
    what does goot mean?


    • #3
      ive foot sweeped people while boxing them before. its a pretty good ace up my sleave that i use to catch people. ill sweep the lead leg if i can in the middle of boxing them, but i dont try to take them off their feet. only enough to off balance them so i can land a hard shot. you can sweep all the way through, and even use thai style kicks to completely sweep legs, but if u give em a quick tap u can wobble them long enough to land a powerful shot like a right cross.


      • #4
        I had my front leg swept while sparring a guy. He actually got me with it twice. I went to the floor once (but he didn't come down with me) got back up and he got me again a few rounds later. The second time he didn't put me down but put me off balance and hit me with a right cross (which I luckily caught on my arms).

        I would say it is a pretty good move for MMA and I use it myself now. It is easy to use on people who stand with their front foot very far forward (like boxers). I imagine it would be pretty hard to get on a wrestler.



        • #5
          I never knew that the foot sweep was that effective. I've always felt that the foot sweep would be pretty hard to pull off but I suppose if you guys can pull it off while sparring then it is still possible for a chap like me to do it too. How do you guys set up your foot sweeps?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
            I never knew that the foot sweep was that effective. I've always felt that the foot sweep would be pretty hard to pull off but I suppose if you guys can pull it off while sparring then it is still possible for a chap like me to do it too. How do you guys set up your foot sweeps?
            I set up my foot sweeps from the double an uchi-mata or and outter reaper....also off messed up double legs or if im just going for a single leg.....foot sweeps are also good when you have some ones back standing up.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
              I never knew that the foot sweep was that effective. I've always felt that the foot sweep would be pretty hard to pull off but I suppose if you guys can pull it off while sparring then it is still possible for a chap like me to do it too. How do you guys set up your foot sweeps?
              i just wait for a lead leg to get close enough, then ill occupy the opponent with a boxing combo so he wont see me sneak in the foot sweep.


              • #8
                Thanks for all the advice. I tried the footsweep today at wrestling practice (probably not a good idea considering regionals is this saturday but what the heck...). I can't seem to sweep the foot out judo style. The closest thing I could do was a cross trip.


                • #9
                  It's good when the guy is backing up, like if he knows you are looking to throw and is trying to back off and keep you from getting an underhook.


                  • #10
                    Jubaji, when I"m wrestling an opponent, I feel that when he is backing up I won't be able to reach his feet with mine. Should I try to go for the trip anyway? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, can you go into more detail?


                    • #11
                      Hey I been in wrestling also since I was in 6-7 grade and past high school as well, Foot "Sweeps" are not illegal but in a wrestling match it is frowned upon and u will be told to knock it off, but lets say ur in a grapple position and both of u have one hand over and under, u can extend ur leg in a fast motion to the side and push down, to throw him off balance which u can at least pull a single. But as for a sweep, you def wont get away with it. Best move I always used and gotta away with was a jack whizzer, you grapple with ur enemy and push towards him and then he will push or charge back towards u, and WHAM, grap the arm throw ur hip and over he goes straight to his back if u have the right form. Led me to 2nd in sectionals.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hammer12
                        Hey I been in wrestling also since I was in 6-7 grade and past high school as well, Foot "Sweeps" are not illegal but in a wrestling match it is frowned upon and u will be told to knock it off.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
                          Jubaji, when I"m wrestling an opponent, I feel that when he is backing up I won't be able to reach his feet with mine. Should I try to go for the trip anyway? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, can you go into more detail?
                          Two things:

                          -A lot of people tend to stand up straighter when backing up, making it more likely that you can reach his feet.

                          -A lot of people put their weight on their heels when backing up, making it likely that you can disturb their balance if you time it so most of his weight is on one foot.

                          Give it a try and see if its for you. Try it when you are digging for underhooks and he is backing out or coming right off a failed shot (by either). Maybe it will suit you, maybe not. Not everything matches everyone.


                          • #14
                            Deashi Harai (forward foot sweep)

                            Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
                            I never knew that the foot sweep was that effective. I've always felt that the foot sweep would be pretty hard to pull off but I suppose if you guys can pull it off while sparring then it is still possible for a chap like me to do it too. How do you guys set up your foot sweeps?
                            It's a timing issue. You simply sweep it when (after) he commits his weight to that foot (but) just BEFORE it touches the ground (mat) I used to practice this A lot! It's sweet! Try making him step FORWARD if you retreat he follows, if you push he pushes back and when he steps forward, even if he just slides it, you'll need to feel his balance and sweep it just as he moves his center (of balance) past his planted foot. Perfect!

                            Practice, practice, PRACTICE!


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the information.

                              Jubaji,I'll use your set ups and try to do the cross inside leg trip tomorrow and tell you how it turns out. Just to clarify this is from the head and collar clinch right?Will your set up work for ankle picks as well?

                              Tanto, I'll practice it more after regionals (and hopefully states) is over. It's just that when I'm tied up with my opponent it seems that his feet are too far back for me to sweep.

