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Years of training

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  • Years of training

    I'm going to a new boxing gym this spring time. I want to know how many hours an day, how many days of the week will it take me to look like I been training like 1 or 2 years or more? The reason I'm asking is because my old trainer told me that he was impress, because it looked like I been training for years but only for a couple of months when he told me that and I figure if I train harder I will become pro around 18 or 20.

  • #2
    Always depends, just train hard and make sure your always loving what your devoting to. Put in time and develope your skills and body but don't let it envelope your life.


    • #3
      Um, train as much as you can. However, I dont agree with your purpose. To impress someone? I think you need to get your priorities straight. Train to get better, to sharpen your skills, not to impress ANYONE. Not a trainer, not some girl, only yourself. I train 5 days a week. Weightlift, run, heavy bag, all that.


      • #4
        Im not trying to impress anyone. I want to train as if I been training for years, so I can go pro young.


        • #5
          throw atleast 1000 punches a day.
          Every day, for the rest of your life


          • #6
            Originally posted by Warrior189
            The reason I'm asking is because my old trainer told me that he was impress, because it looked like I been training for years but only for a couple of months when he told me that
            mabye he was just trying to make you feel better?


            • #7
              Way to be a downer, from a guy with a fitting name.

              Anyways, as long as you enjoy training and are doing it for the right reasons and in a healthy way (mentaly and physically) then go for it, man.


              • #8
                Originally posted by danfaggella
                Way to be a downer, from a guy with a fitting name.

                Anyways, as long as you enjoy training and are doing it for the right reasons and in a healthy way (mentaly and physically) then go for it, man.
                hey, i just tell it as it is. if you dont like it, thats cool too.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Warrior189
                  Im not trying to impress anyone. I want to train as if I been training for years, so I can go pro young.
                  There is very little advantage in going pro young (and you are not even 18 yet so are very young). Speak to your coach about your ambitions of becoming a pro and he should give you some good advice.

                  You are better to have a strong amateur record before going pro. The game is totally different and much tougher. The better you get while in the "safe" world of amateur boxing the easier you will find going pro. If you have fought internationally as an amateur you will be far better prepared. If you have not then you need to ask what you are going pro for. Do you want to be a world champ or just some local chump who spends the rest of his life struggling to make a living until he is so badly beaten he can no longer fight (or do anything else). If you have not fought internationally as an amateur (or lack the skills to do so) it is unlikely you will do this as a pro.

                  Go pro too early and your boxing career could be over before it begins.

                  I do not claim to be a boxing expert but I have trained with many amateur and pro boxers. If you disagree with me that is fine but do yourself a favor and speak to your coach about this. He has your interests at heart far more than a bunch of guys on the internet who do not know you.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cam427
                    There is very little advantage in going pro young (and you are not even 18 yet so are very young). Speak to your coach about your ambitions of becoming a pro and he should give you some good advice.

                    You are better to have a strong amateur record before going pro. The game is totally different and much tougher. The better you get while in the "safe" world of amateur boxing the easier you will find going pro. If you have fought internationally as an amateur you will be far better prepared. If you have not then you need to ask what you are going pro for. Do you want to be a world champ or just some local chump who spends the rest of his life struggling to make a living until he is so badly beaten he can no longer fight (or do anything else). If you have not fought internationally as an amateur (or lack the skills to do so) it is unlikely you will do this as a pro.

                    Go pro too early and your boxing career could be over before it begins.

                    I do not claim to be a boxing expert but I have trained with many amateur and pro boxers. If you disagree with me that is fine but do yourself a favor and speak to your coach about this. He has your interests at heart far more than a bunch of guys on the internet who do not know you.
                    Very good point.Dont really have much to add to that.

