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question about mma

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  • question about mma

    hey guys

    how do you think mma matches would change if the athletes were unable to wear gloves or hand wraps?

    genuine question

    what do you guys think?

  • #2
    I'm not 100% sure but I believe that part of the agreements with the athletic commisions in each state requires that athletes competing in MMA contests MUST wear gloves.
    With no gloves, there are no contests, at least ones that can be publicized.
    End of story.

    You can have underground matches like they did several years ago, before athletic commissions ok'd them. Those were actually kind of fun to go to and watch.
    It was kind of like watching something illegal, which it was but felt like it was even more of a crime than it really was.

    Without hand wraps and gloves, I b believe guys that can properly punch would have a distinct advantage.


    • #3
      Some fighters would start doing things like hitting w/open palms and not hitting as hard in order to avoid breaking their knuckles. Grappling would be made slightly more natural w/o the added clumsiness of the gloves, though most MMA fighters nowadays are fully used to grappling w/gloves.


      • #4
        Yeah I think BJJ would become even more prevolent. Fist striking would be harder to do without breaking ones own hand, and with no gloves, grappling would be much easier.


        • #5
          There used to be plenty of mma matches before gloves were mandatory. The hand breaking is always an issue (I've done it) but it was overcome by many people. Bas, for one, would slap the piss out of folks. That's just one example. If you look into older ufc shows and other promotions like Pancrase, you will find some answers to your question. Well, the ufc ones were kind of started to show bjj whooping ass, so older Japanes one's may provide a more objective look.


          • #6
            Pancrase did not include closed fist strikes to the head.

            They didn't do it because it was against the rules....... der


            • #7
              The gloves get in the way of some of the grappling moves, and also give the other person something to hold onto at the end of the lever (arm) that won't let their grip slip.

              I also agree that people wouldn't strike as hard if there were no gloves. So MMA would probably start looking more and more like BJJ without them.


              • #8
                That and wed have tough white trashy sterotypes coming in to the ring trying to make cash. It would turn into ringed street fights or BJJ vs. Streets.

                I wouldnt watch it personally...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by danfaggella
                  Pancrase did not include closed fist strikes to the head.

                  They didn't do it because it was against the rules....... der
                  Right. I guess I shouldn't have said anything was overcome. It was meant to be an example of people using strikes successfully as opposed to grappling in fights w/o gloves.

                  I wonder if in a no gloved mma comp. they would have to rule out a cupped hand slapping over someones ear? That's generally a pretty good way to put someone in a bad spot and could cause some damage...

                  I like the gloves. Being able to strike hard w/o much worry adds a lot of excitement to the fight imo.


                  • #10
                    Yes, and UFC makes a lot of money off it.

                    It is exciting, striking is much more entertaining to the average person that grappling. Even a haymaker that ends in a sloppy KO is "better" or "cooler" than a good smooth submission.

                    I think it keeps the game a bit safer and also makes sportive combat more striking-oriented.

