Originally posted by DaNutz
My takedown attempt was lame, I moved in and got underhooks, but was having trouble throwing him down. I stuck my leg inside his legs and tried to trip him, but we ended up kinda spinning around and I basically fell backwards and it would have been a bad positon for me so I insticntively pulled guard.
Yep thats another thing, BJJ isnt worth a shit of all shits if you cant get the guy down and as you do, the other guys is going to be hailing punches at you (this wasnt the case for me but i thought they were coming so same diff).
Fighting was actually the most fun Ive had in a while, its crazy but at the same time its kinda like a tournament but only 1 step above that. You learn alot from competeing in a tourny, and you'll learn even more from a fight