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Just got in a fight

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DaNutz
    You should've OmaPlata'd him (Id assume you know how to do it!) as
    a sweep.

    Will you be practicing more takedowns now that you had such trouble
    getting him down? How are your takedowns btw?

    My takedown attempt was lame, I moved in and got underhooks, but was having trouble throwing him down. I stuck my leg inside his legs and tried to trip him, but we ended up kinda spinning around and I basically fell backwards and it would have been a bad positon for me so I insticntively pulled guard.
    Yep thats another thing, BJJ isnt worth a shit of all shits if you cant get the guy down and as you do, the other guys is going to be hailing punches at you (this wasnt the case for me but i thought they were coming so same diff).
    Fighting was actually the most fun Ive had in a while, its crazy but at the same time its kinda like a tournament but only 1 step above that. You learn alot from competeing in a tourny, and you'll learn even more from a fight


    • #17
      True.... that

      Originally posted by OmaPlata
      My takedown attempt was lame, I moved in and got underhooks, but was having trouble throwing him down. ....
      ...Yep thats another thing, BJJ isnt worth a shit of all shits if you cant get the guy down and as you do, the other guys is going to be hailing punches at you ......
      ... You learn alot from competeing in a tourny, and you'll learn even more from a fight

      Lucky it was a "friendly" fight...

      I would like to suggest Judo lessons? Seriously... it can take a while to get a few techniques down but if you learn just a bit of KUZUSHI (breaking his balance before a throw) then you'll throw down even bigger guys easy...

      Like cake... Unless they also know Judo...


      • #18
        I applaud your ability to remember what happened, you must have been very calm.


        • #19
          Yes, very calm indeed, thats a good thing, I always try to stay cerebral.

          Also, I spar at Kung Fu on sundays, and last sunday I found myself not being able to take down a this big fellow. Hes half a foot taller than me, and probably 50-60 pounds heavier than I am, and I'm about 120 right now. I could't shoot in all my winter cloths, not to mention the ground was hard as ice. I tried to tie up but he kind freeked and kept breaking it and throwing minimally effective punches, which landed on my chest and dint do much. I couldn't grab with my 2 pairs of gloves on and I found myself using my smaller limbs in a striking battle, which I am not very fond of or good at, though I held my own.

          I know that right after the takedown happens, I will submit him. I want to not only progress as a martial artist and get a bit into traditional stuff, but I want to show them that the ground is a realistic ending for a fight, and it requires skills completely different from the free-moving duke-it-out standup fight.

          Please give me some tips, if you have any.

          In case you're wondering, yes I am working on my takedowns, dilligently, if I can get great takedowns I will tap out pretty much everyone in class, I just need tot ake it to the ground :{!!!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by danfaggella
            ......I know that right after the takedown happens, I will submit him. I want to not only progress as a martial artist and get a bit into traditional stuff, but I want to show them that the ground is a realistic ending for a fight, and it requires skills completely different from the free-moving duke-it-out standup fight.

            Please give me some tips, if you have any.


            Not to be redundant but ... may I suggest some JUDO lessons??? ... It's all about getting them on the deck!


            • #21
              So Tant I read about Kuzushi in the book "Kodokan Judo", and now I'm interested in taking Judo classes this summer; only reason I'm leaving it till the summer is I don't have any time what so ever to do extra training. I can only do one thing at a time during school, already started bjj. Either I flunk or take two types of MA's, was a hard choice but school took over!! :P


              • #22
                Holy shit!

                Boarspear come quick... with a quote like this..

                "Yep thats another thing, BJJ isnt worth a shit of all shits if you cant get the guy down and as you do, the other guys is going to be hailing punches at you (this wasnt the case for me but i thought they were coming so same diff)."


                With that said I would recommend wrestling takedowns over Judo... aahh.. well damnit.. I like them both... I find the wrestling takedowns are higher percentage... well maybe im just focusing on the hip throw aspects of judo... hmm...hip throws are hard to get against resisitin opponents is my conclusion.... im gonna stop rambling now.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                  hmm...hip throws are hard to get against resisitin opponents is my conclusion.... im gonna stop rambling now.

                  We have hip throws in kung fu, but we usually set them up with strikes. It's a lot easier to throw someone if you unload on them first


                  • #24
                    Education is good!

                    Originally posted by blitz
                    So Tant I read about Kuzushi in the book "Kodokan Judo", and now I'm interested in taking Judo classes this summer; only reason I'm leaving it till the summer is I don't have any time what so ever to do extra training. I can only do one thing at a time during school, already started bjj. Either I flunk or take two types of MA's, was a hard choice but school took over!! :P

                    Gotta have the priorities in order! Good on ya!

                    Stay in school.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                      Holy shit!

                      Boarspear come quick... with a quote like this..

                      "Yep thats another thing, BJJ isnt worth a shit of all shits if you cant get the guy down and as you do, the other guys is going to be hailing punches at you (this wasnt the case for me but i thought they were coming so same diff)."

                      HAS OMOPLATA FINALLY STOPPED NUTHUGGING!?!?!??!?!!
                      yeah i figured he was still incoherant when he typed that...when the Gracie bubble popped im sure all the hot air knocked everyone nearby out...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        yeah i figured he was still incoherant when he typed that...when the Gracie bubble popped im sure all the hot air knocked everyone nearby out...

                        No, i still feel its the best martial art, without a doubt on the ground it is, you just have to get the guy down. It isnt that hard to take the average joe down, but when the other guy KNOWS you want him down and wil do whatever it takes not to go down, its a bit harder


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by OmaPlata
                          No, i still feel its the best martial art, without a doubt on the ground it is, you just have to get the guy down. It isnt that hard to take the average joe down, but when the other guy KNOWS you want him down and wil do whatever it takes not to go down, its a bit harder
                          Still got 'em by the short hairs eh?


                          • #28
                            Well guys tell me if you recognize this guy, this is him !!!!!!!! The guy I fought


                            • #29
                              Well that explains it!! GJJ aint got a chance against Karate!!


                              • #30
                                For all the shit this guy has been spilling he couldnt even takedown and choke out some guy in a streetfight.I applaud you being truthfull but please no more shit talking for you espically since you couldnt even beat a regular guy on the street.Hope this teaches you a lesson in humility...also i agree as much as any person could with Tant about Kazushi.....Thats the key!!!!!!!

