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basketball brawl

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  • basketball brawl

    i love this clip. everything just go so out of hand over nothing. this all started over a shove, and it nearly caused a riot. and im glad some of the fans got punched out, that was the best part. im sure many people have seen this already, but its great. what u guys think of this?

  • #2
    It's good the NBA added more security... to protect the fans from the players !


    • #3
      no jiu jitsu in the vid, too bad a fan didnt take artest s back and put him to sleep


      • #4
        too bad shaq wasn't involved.


        • #5
          Originally posted by LoneHusky
          too bad shaq wasn't involved.

          Shaq tried to sock Barkley one time, the punch took about 3 minutes to reach Barkley who ducked and laughed and then took the Big Daddy down.


          • #6
            what you dont see in that Clip of Shaq and Bark is that Barkley dinks Shaq in the face with the ball before Shaq swings, I almost choked when I saw it watching the game!! That laugh fit was better than 100 crunches!
            Barkley is something of a scrapper, at a nightclub in Houston he tossed a guy through a window of a nightclub for intentionally pouring a drink on him.
            Too funny!


            • #7
              ^ True.

              I don't think the athletes were showing very much humility and control. Sure there are drunken idiot fans out there, but chill out, don't you wanna keep that 50 million dollar contract?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mr. Arieson
                Amazing that each one of those google clips feature fights going to the ground. I take primarily a striking art, but I can totally see the relevance of learning BJJ.

                I don't see how anyone can put it down.

                Shhhhhhh, dont say that too loud , you'll be classified a "nuthugger" if you do


                • #9
                  Originally posted by OmaPlata
                  Shhhhhhh, dont say that too loud , you'll be classified a "nuthugger" if you do
                  Shuddap ya nuthugger!

                  lol its funny cause I'm always going on about that... but most of my training time is spent doing BJJ.


                  • #10
                    There you go, work with what works and understand the ground game and the clinches, because they invovle completely different skills than the free-moving duke-it-out phase. Understanding that fighting isn't kickboxing is important.

                    Also, looking at grappling calling it gay is pretty lame, especially when you get choked and armbarred 10 times in 3 minutes by some guy who is half your mass.

