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Mixed martial arts vs Specific ?

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  • Mixed martial arts vs Specific ?

    What do you think a person should do :

    1) train a specific martial arts (muay thai , jiujitsu , aikido , kickboxe ,boxe ... ) then join the Mixed martial arts


    2) Start learning all together same time .

    what do you think and why ?

  • #2
    Definitely a mix; I would say Boxing/Muay Thai/BJJ


    • #3
      Maybe even Jeet Kune Do.


      • #4
        No. Stick with one, get a solid base, and then branch out.

        People who are good at everything usually tend to do worse than someone who is EXCELLENT at something and maybe less than stellar at something else.

        There are a few freaks of nature like Fedor who are excellent at everything, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your not the quality of fighter Fedor is, yet.

        Think of some great fighters, Chuck Lidell focuses primarily on standup and staying off the ground, sure hes trained alot in takedowns, and even has a purple in BJJ, but he focuses on standup. Big Nog is the other way, good boxing skills, but hes most dangerous playing an open gaurd from his back subbing the shit out of anyone. Matt Hughes is another example, although hes one his last few fights by submission (beautiful armbar on GSP, a kimura on Riggs that a handicapped kid could get, and a RNC on Frank Trigg (lol)), he's always been excellent at picking you up, slamming you holding you and punching you.

        It's rare for someone to do both things equally well at a high level. I would definetly say stick with one, and then branch out, when you are VERY good at either striking, or submissions, or takedowns/GNP.

        Remember, Variety leads to mediocrity.-- You can quote me on that if you want.


        • #5
          Learn a good base art, either striking or grappling and then go into MMA


          • #6
            Depends on your objective? SD? Sport? Body gaurd?

            A gun or knife will defeat almost ANY MA...


            • #7
              Originally posted by commandos
              What do you think a person should do :
              For starters, stop referring to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as Brangelina. It's beyond inane.


              • #8
                Originally posted by aseepish
                For starters, stop referring to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as Brangelina. It's beyond inane.
                Tomkat is getting to be really annoying too, lol; and the more I learn about Tom, the more twisted he really is... I can't believe I was Maverick's fan at one time...(You can be my wingman any time)... jeeze what a cornball...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by commandos
                  What do you think a person should do :

                  1) train a specific martial arts (muay thai , jiujitsu , aikido , kickboxe ,boxe ... ) then join the Mixed martial arts


                  2) Start learning all together same time .

                  what do you think and why ?
                  It really depends on what you want to do...but id go with learning everything all at once.Samuraiguy made some very good points but i will have to disagree a bit...lets take the guys from Shooto...Shooto is a style that combines Muay Thai..Judo..BJJ..Freestyle and Greco Roman Wrestling...Catch wrestling and a few more things basically whatever you want to add and then modified to fit into MMA...they train it all at once most of the time and maybe one or two days a week they focus on just one thing like striking or grappling.Basically they all start learning everything at once and become very well rounded at everything..but at the same time alot seem to be beter at one thing then the other.Now i believe this to be better for a beginer then learning a base art then getting good at it and then learning other things seperately....and then having to modify everything you learn to fight in MMA.All the guys Samuraiguy mentioned have been doing their base art before the ufc even existed so obviously they will be beter at it then others in their area.The Shooto guys RULE the lower weight classes without a shadow of a doubt ill give you a bit of an example of Shooto guys who are great at everything.Genki Sudo...Takanori Gomi..Kid Yamamoto...Hayato Sakurai...Mamoru Yamaguchi(bantam weight Shooto Champ)...Shinya Aoki...Kotesu Boku...Akira Kickuchi...Ryota Masume...Lion Takeshi and last but not least Hideo Tokoro.All of these GREAT fighters and CHAMPIONS trained in Shooto from the for a beginer looking to enter MMA id go with learning it all at once.The only thing is Shooto is only in Japan which is why im going out there however there is Erik Paulson and Yori Nakamura whom you can learn Shooto just cant compete in it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GQchris
                    The more I learn about Tom, the more twisted he really is..
                    Thanks for the compliment, Chris....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tom Yum
                      Thanks for the compliment, Chris....
                      no problem dude, tell Katie I said hi, lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by aseepish
                        For starters, stop referring to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as Brangelina. It's beyond inane.
                        But Angelrad is so hard to say!


                        • #13
                          the basis of martial arts training is learning form and technique . .

                          to write a book u must learn the alphabet, read ur teachers writings for inspiration, then the true author will work his own masterpiece . .

                          martial arts is no different, aquiring ten diifferent styles doesnt make u a better fighter, just as rewriting 10 different books doesnt make u a beetr author . .

                          u have to learn the basics sumwere, does not matter what "style" then progress urself from ther, if u start with judo and become accomplished it doesnt mean u have to learn karate to learn how to punch . . . by this time u shud be able to train urself how to do it!

                          this is the problem with "MMA".. . find urself a decent all round style u feel comfortable with develope urself from there


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wado_kai
                            u have to learn the basics sumwere,

                            What is this "sumwere"? An ancient lost art of the great Fukawi people?

