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crazy fight !!!

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  • crazy fight !!!

    This video is real crazy !!! i thought the guy will die ....

    felony fight

  • #2
    This is the most horrible form of entertainment, a bunch of bloodlusting criminals throwing haymakers. My whole house smells like white trash because I viewed that footage.


    • #3
      me too i was shocked when i saw the movie


      • #4
        i agree, that video wasnt too cool. watching people hurt eachother for fun is upsetting. that one mexican guy just jumped up and down on the white guys head after he had knocked him out. bad times.


        • #5
          That was hysterical, Im glad the mexican beat the white supremisist, what humor, he got K.T.F.O.


          • #6
            im not for that kind of thing, but when some guy thinks hes a bad ass for stabbing someone in the throat he deserves to get his ass kicked and his head mutalated by the knee of a crazy mexican. the mexican could have stabbed that guy in the throat and i could have cared less. an eye for an eye. you get what you deserve.


            • #7
              hopefully these idiots will be stopped before someone dies, even if it is a nazi or whoever. these godamn morons promote this crap as "just like the UFC, only no rules!" this is a growing trend go to any search engine's video section and type in "fight" you get the worst clips you could imagine. I mean dont get me wrong I laughed my ass of at that e-baums world clip where the lil guy gets his ass whooped by that big ol gurl, but jumping on someones head is just too damn much its 6 degrees away from a snuff film. then he tries to give the guy a pat on the back? if you drop knee my skull when I am passed out you better finish the job or hope i never come out of the coma is all i can say.


              • #8
                The whole NHB thing is going far far away from martial art, and deep into the wilderness of white trash. There are so many people these days who train in martial arts "cuz they wanna kick ass like in the UFC!" This is terrible for the spirit of martial arts, I feel like so many trashy, tatooed, angry men are training in BJJ/MT, when before it used to be just boxing. I want to remove myself from these "I wanna learn how to HURT PEOPLE" bastards, and the sad thing is that so many schools don't instill values into thier students. I almost feel guilt for training in BJJ and I see so many of these kind of people, SO many of them. Its not a martial art to them, its a way to beat the shit out of other men like a "tough guy." Its purely sport now, and its not even a respectible sport in many ways, its just a shit talking festival filled with angry brawlers.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by danfaggella
                  The whole NHB thing is going far far away from martial art, and deep into the wilderness of white trash. There are so many people these days who train in martial arts "cuz they wanna kick ass like in the UFC!" This is terrible for the spirit of martial arts, I feel like so many trashy, tatooed, angry men are training in BJJ/MT, when before it used to be just boxing. I want to remove myself from these "I wanna learn how to HURT PEOPLE" bastards, and the sad thing is that so many schools don't instill values into thier students. I almost feel guilt for training in BJJ and I see so many of these kind of people, SO many of them. Its not a martial art to them, its a way to beat the shit out of other men like a "tough guy." Its purely sport now, and its not even a respectible sport in many ways, its just a shit talking festival filled with angry brawlers.

                  Not another rant.. jeez


                  • #10
                    Thank you for posting that fight. That is NHB going a little too far, but that CRAZY. The white guy deserved that beating for stabbing someone in the neck four times and thinking it was awesome. The mexican guy knew what he was doing but not the white guy who was throwing the haymakers or shall i say haymaker. Try to find more crazy videos like that!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                      Not another rant.. jeez
                      I've seen them 10 times now.. The guy is obssessed. He wants the UFC to be named Ultimate Fighting Friends and wants everyone to be named Good Guy instead of Bad boy or bad ass.


                      • #12
                        The only thing I had a problem with was where the guy was hitting the other guy when he was down...honestly the knee drop didn't bother me as much as the strikes to the base of the spine.

                        The guy was sucking wind because he had his jaw broken, and was sucking wind because he was in pain, and probably about to go into shock.

                        A true no-rules fight is a true no-rules fight...honestly that didn't look THAT bad...nobody got their larnyx dropped or eye-gouged, or anything REALLY out there. The guys were fucks, no doubt about it, and the people exploiting them are probably no better...but as for the guys saying stop when they did...that was probably a very humane and ethical thing to do.

                        There are people that would've let it go farther.

                        But...this shit isn't the problem.

                        Unfortunately, all you nay-saying hypocrites should look in the fucking mirror.

                        You know why they had gladitorial games in Rome? Social control.

                        WE love violence. Not just america, but the rest of the world as well...that's why it sells...and in many ways, it's become not only accepted, but revered.
                        I could rant on and on about how every institution that our lives have been MADE to revolve around utilize violence, terrorist tactics (fear in the media is exploited by our own terrorist government, on the same token, churches, mosques, etc... use fear to keep us at bay as a means of social control), shame and guilt, terror all keep us at bay from free and natural thought, whilst our minds are polluted with propaganda, meaningless forms of entertainment, and pecuniary emulation (look it up)...consumeristic urges that end up becoming the driving force in our lives, because our materialistic asses can't live without the "little luxuries"...
                        We are driven not for survival, we are blinded from the means of achieving our salvation by our needing to keep up with the joneses, keep up with the bills, keep up with our jobs, keep kissing ass, keep watching the news, keep going to church and praying that God or allah, or whoever is out there will hear our cries and help out, keep pretending to be richer, more attractive, more intellegent, more anything else...

                        These cyclical lies have become the foundation of our existence, at the expense of true self knowledge, as much freedom as you can have on this plane of existence...and the truth about what we really are deep inside and acceptance of the sad fact that we are animals. Nothing more or less glorious, just living things like all the rest.

                        Maybe once people realize that, we will get to a point where we don't need all this useless shit, and can go on with just each other...but, that isn't the nature of the beast...we are selfish, and there is a real dillema in this, if any of you have ever read Plato's essay on morality wherein he describes the ring of ...I thing'll know where I'm going with this.

                        Man is wolf. Man is wolf to man.
                        Homo homini lupus.

                        At the very least, the universal realization of this, and the shedding off of these distractions would lead to clarity and something a bit more honest...and humble and honest is good, right?


                        • #13
                          I haven't been on here in a while but here's my two cents

                          What was the point of that fight it certainly wasn't a skilled contest between two mma ahtletes, it was just a beating pure and simple this, is the type of stupidity that young kids may try to emulate(I hope not) I hope people would try to direct their desire to porve themselves/their abilties in at least a regulated venues like mma, boxing, mauy thai or kickboxing events.


                          • #14
                            Why Stop It?

                            Originally posted by GonzoStyles
                            hopefully these idiots will be stopped before someone dies, even if it is a nazi or whoever. these godamn morons promote this crap as "just like the UFC, only no rules!" this is a growing trend go to any search engine's video section and type in "fight" you get the worst clips you could imagine. I mean dont get me wrong I laughed my ass of at that e-baums world clip where the lil guy gets his ass whooped by that big ol gurl, but jumping on someones head is just too damn much its 6 degrees away from a snuff film. then he tries to give the guy a pat on the back? if you drop knee my skull when I am passed out you better finish the job or hope i never come out of the coma is all i can say.
                            Who cares if one of them bites it! They're all willing participants...the US is a morally decaying society and this video is just one piece of evidence which proves so. PATHETIC!


                            • #15
                              Who cares if one of them bites it! They're all willing participants...the US is a morally decaying society and this video is just one piece of evidence which proves so. PATHETIC!
                              Hallelujah! Praise Bob and Doug Mackenzie EH-MAN!!!

                              get bent buddy, your on the wrong forum to bash America.

