yeah I guess training a police force that shoots dozens of unarmed protesters, and forces an armed coup deta on a democratically elected government is all good as long as it protects Canadas interests? the "police force" in Haiti is made up of former death squad members who were responsible for drug running and chasing the DEA out of Haiti (see Guy Phillipe) but now we support these murderous goons ALONG WITH CANADA beacause they serve the interests of multinationals, and just to clear the record Canada is PARTNERS with the USA in repressing Haiti, so really brother I am done trying to debate you cause its a moot point. you think Canada is a shining beacon of freedom? plz!! ALL govenments step on smaller governments, but hey you want to go on thinking Canada is innocent far be it from me to spoil your delusion!!! US policy feeds MILLIONS of poor around the world including countries like Iran that call us the "great Satan" we sent Iran TONS of food after their deadly earthquakes, but I guess thats a failure?
we sent US military to aid Indonesia after the Tsunami whata joke right I guess we did that to repress Indonesia right? come on wake up your sycophantic bootlicking will get you no where with me. A true patriot loves his country, but a smart man doesnt trust the government, ANY governmet..
nuff said I am done with this, please go to a political forum to debate US foreign policy, this is not the place.
we sent US military to aid Indonesia after the Tsunami whata joke right I guess we did that to repress Indonesia right? come on wake up your sycophantic bootlicking will get you no where with me. A true patriot loves his country, but a smart man doesnt trust the government, ANY governmet..
nuff said I am done with this, please go to a political forum to debate US foreign policy, this is not the place.