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crazy fight !!!

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  • #31
    yeah I guess training a police force that shoots dozens of unarmed protesters, and forces an armed coup deta on a democratically elected government is all good as long as it protects Canadas interests? the "police force" in Haiti is made up of former death squad members who were responsible for drug running and chasing the DEA out of Haiti (see Guy Phillipe) but now we support these murderous goons ALONG WITH CANADA beacause they serve the interests of multinationals, and just to clear the record Canada is PARTNERS with the USA in repressing Haiti, so really brother I am done trying to debate you cause its a moot point. you think Canada is a shining beacon of freedom? plz!! ALL govenments step on smaller governments, but hey you want to go on thinking Canada is innocent far be it from me to spoil your delusion!!! US policy feeds MILLIONS of poor around the world including countries like Iran that call us the "great Satan" we sent Iran TONS of food after their deadly earthquakes, but I guess thats a failure?
    we sent US military to aid Indonesia after the Tsunami whata joke right I guess we did that to repress Indonesia right? come on wake up your sycophantic bootlicking will get you no where with me. A true patriot loves his country, but a smart man doesnt trust the government, ANY governmet..
    nuff said I am done with this, please go to a political forum to debate US foreign policy, this is not the place.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rippedfat
      When was the last time that US foreign policy was successful?

      Answer: NEVER!!!! Don’t believe me check it out

      Who cares? We own the world, we kick anybodies ass we feel like and have THE BEST of everything, though Pamela Lee is one great export I forgot about. And those Canadian made cars are awesome .
      And the Canadian national anthem STRAIGHT UP SUCKS DONKEY TESTES ! OURS IS 100 TIMES BETTER, of that, there is no debate


      • #33
        Originally posted by Rippedfat
        Hey "Judy" Garland....You should know a little about "shit beer"....After all you do live in the world's capitol of shit beer...But enough mud slinging your comments are so typical of Americans....It's no wonder you're loved the world over!

        I didn't realise that we were at the pet name part of our relationship, usually I'd ask for dinner first, but what the hell...we have so much in common with our shit beer, I think I'll let it slide, sweety.


        • #34
          Originally posted by OmaPlata
          Who cares? We own the world, we kick anybodies ass we feel like and have THE BEST of everything, though Pamela Lee is one great export I forgot about. And those Canadian made cars are awesome .
          And the Canadian national anthem STRAIGHT UP SUCKS DONKEY TESTES ! OURS IS 100 TIMES BETTER, of that, there is no debate

          I hope you are joking


          • #35
            Originally posted by KOI84
            I hope you are joking

            Im serious as I am about limeys having bad teeth !!


            • #36
              Originally posted by OmaPlata
              Im serious as I am about limeys having bad teeth !!
              and ugly women


              • #37
                Canada is a country that didn't bother to draft its own constitution until 1982, they also kept "God Save the Queen" as its national anthem until 1980, and still enshrines its former master's monarch as its head of state. Her Canadian title is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen (breath), Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith." Maybe they should change their national anthem again, to Britney Spears's "I'm A Slave 4 U."

                When the late Canadian radio host Peter Gzowski had a competition to come up with a phrase comparable to "American as apple pie," the winner was "As Canadian as possible, under the circumstances."

                In 1996, when Canadians were asked to name both the greatest living and the all-time greatest Canadian, 76 percent said "no one comes to mind."

                Another survey showed them to believe that the most famous Canadian was Pamela Anderson, star of America's Baywatch.

                When Canadians were asked to name their favorite song, they settled on one by a good Canadian band, The Guess Who. The song: "American Woman."

                anything else you Canadians wanna smart off aboot???


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BoarSpear
                  In 1996, when Canadians were asked to name both the greatest living and the all-time greatest Canadian, 76 percent said "no one comes to mind."
                  Anyone with half a brain knows that the answer to BOTH questions is William Shatner.

                  Don't ask me what someone with a whole brain would answer.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Garland

                    Man is wolf. Man is wolf to man.
                    Homo homini lupus.
                    Someone's been hitting the Hobbes.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by aseepish
                      Anyone with half a brain knows that the answer to BOTH questions is William Shatner.

                      Don't ask me what someone with a whole brain would answer.
                      so what yer sayin is NEITHER was available when 76% of canadians were polled


                      • #41
                        The country beneath us...

                        Originally posted by Rippedfat
                        When was the last time that US foreign policy was successful?

                        Answer: NEVER!!!! Don’t believe me check it out
                        1940s: Marshall Plan, De-nazification of West Germany: Successful
                        1940s to present: Security Guarantee for Japan: Successful
                        1948/49: Berlin Airlift: Successful
                        1949: Establishment of NATO: Successful
                        1950s to present: Containment of North Korea: Successful (mixed, post 2000)
                        1960s/70s Normalization of relations with China: Successful
                        1962: Cuban Missile Crisis: Successful
                        1970s: Detente, SALT I, SALT II treaties: Successful
                        1973: Camp David Accords, brokering of peace between Egypt and Israel: Successful
                        1945-1991: Cold War/Containment of the Soviet Union: Successful
                        1991: START treaty: Successful
                        Late 1990s: NATO enlargement to former Warsaw Pact nations: Successful
                        1995: Normalization of relations with Vietnam: Successful
                        1999: Liberation of Kosovo/Ending Milosovic regime: Successful

                        Post Clinton successes: Uh... Well... I'm sure there have been a few!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          so what yer sayin is NEITHER was available when 76% of canadians were polled
                          Nearly 100% of all Canadians live in Canada. That's got to tell you something.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            so what yer sayin is NEITHER was available when 76% of canadians were polled
                            Actually there was a show, called The Greatest Canadian done a few years ago, and Tommy Douglas was named the greatest Canadian, he's the guy who invented our world renowned universal health care system. Thanks.

                            Among others were the man who discovered INSULIN, the guy who invented the radio was in the top 100, the man who invented the telephone, don cherry (haha), number 99.

                            The top 100 were named, General Romeo Dallaire was somewhere close to ten I think. (He was the one saying people in Rwanda needed help when they were being massacred while everyone else sat around with their thumb up their ass).

                            Among the other top ten were, Lester B Pearson, essentially was responsible for stopping the crisis in the sudan (what would have been World War 3). Lets not forget Terry Fox who has probably done the most for cancer awareness and research everywhere.

                            Actually it seems we had alot of people rather then "uhh 76% of us dont know who we like"... I dont know where your getting this fact from boar, but heres my source.

                            In fact, I heard you americans were even stealing the idea of our show. I'm not bashing america, just defending Canada.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by aseepish
                              Nearly 100% of all Canadians live in Canada. That's got to tell you something.
                              As a Floridian i dispute your claim....too GD many of you INFEST FL along with the Yankees all.


                              • #45
                                The other problem is we tend to forget just who is Canadian.

                       [strange because there isn't much on the page that has anything to do with particle physics]

