How often do you guys get hurt doing bjj? First I dislocate my rib and am out for like four months and then I train for three months and then I get my arm hyperextended from some weird hapkido standing armbar, but on the ground. I didn't know what he was doing, so I didn't know I was in trouble until POP! It seems like I am injuried more than I train. Man, I'm starting to just feel like working on my striking and take a break from grappling. Any advice guys? Oh, and I'm double jointed, so sometimes I don't know that I'm in trouble because it doesn't hurt, but I feel the pressure.
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I've had a few timeouts from injuries - the most recent one was a bad sprain, snapped ligaments in my ankle. I did that at the beginning of November, and it's still not right, although it's definitely good enough for me to be back at training.
Last year I dislocated my big toe and broke my foot (at the same time) which took me out for a while.
I dunno, though, I don't really let it phase me, and I just do whatever training I can - I swam when injured, which kept my fitness OK, and got back into regular training when I could.
Wow, good for you cakegirl. I feel like I should do the same. I definitely got to be more careful though and be more willing to tap. I hate it when my arms and legs are pinned and I can't tap. I've been told to just say "tap tap tap", but I've been getting a lot of cuts on my inside of my mouth so I was thinking about wearing a mouth piece and I don't know how well I can say that with my face all smashed up with a mouth piece in my mouth.
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- Jul 2004
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"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
Dont worry.. most people will stop when you start making any type of noise.. especially a continuous one....and I can say Tap Tap Tap with a mouth piece real easy so you should be able to as well...
I keep hurting my shoulders in BJJ, well.. I've hurt them twice that I've needed to take time off, one time it was a month, the other a week.
I'm always paranoid about them though, when rolling, and after class.