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Hapkido vs BJJ

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  • Hapkido vs BJJ

  • #2
    the funny part of those videos is that the idiot karate guys are put up against BLACK BELTS, when a blue belt could do the same thing, even a good white belt of 6 months of training. Putting a black belt out there, well, those of us who because we've rolled with black belts, know that the karate guy has zero chance, zero.


    • #3
      So what, what the big deal? I dont think those non BJJ dudes had much live grappling or fighting experiance at all! Those Hapkido guys werent even close to defending themselves getting taken down. I thought Hapkido or what ever was only for defense, never for comp. or attack? To tell you the truth, a 215 pound(weight class) college wrestler would have put a decent struggle against Rorian because those "matches" or "fights" were very conrtrolled and sportlike. Alot of MA in sport comp. dont work as well as they do with no rules at all.


      • #4
        I think the point of this is to show that before GJJ, many TMA styles lacked good grappling defense and ground work. Since fights often close the gap quick, GJJ exploited that range and focused on it.

        The irony: Royce Gracie is studying Hapkido with a man named Noni? to work strikes into his MMA game.

        What that shows is that the Gracies are more open minded than we think. I bet the hapkido guy in that Gracie challenge video has integrated GJJ into his style.


        • #5
          The gracie style emphisized leverage and positioning on the ground like nobody before them, and it was a realm that few other fighters were comfortable in, its a whole different set of skills wheny ou can use your weight and the ground and positioning, and the gracies abused the complete lack of ground skill that most fighters had.


          • #6
            They still do .....................


            • #7
              of course, but your average sportive fighter knows him ground game now.


              • #8
                Originally posted by danfaggella
                of course, but your average sportive fighter knows his ground game now.
                Not as good as they'd like to


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                  So what, what the big deal? I dont think those non BJJ dudes had much live grappling or fighting experiance at all! Those Hapkido guys werent even close to defending themselves getting taken down. I thought Hapkido or what ever was only for defense, never for comp. or attack? To tell you the truth, a 215 pound(weight class) college wrestler would have put a decent struggle against Rorian because those "matches" or "fights" were very conrtrolled and sportlike. Alot of MA in sport comp. dont work as well as they do with no rules at all.

                  Like Ive said, go watch Gracies is action vol and 2, from which those videos are from, their are those college wrestlers like you said, getting wrapped up and tapped put by Rickson and Royler. Rules or no rules, getting a guy down and choking him out, especially if he has no ground game, is going to happen pretty much the same way no matter where it is.


                  • #10
                    Ofcoarse, I never said a wrestler(only) good beat a BJJ person at no rules wrestling


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Andy Murray
                      This proves nothing. Idiots! If Hoyce had gone up against a real Hapkido Master he would not have survived to tell the tale.

                      Fucking idiots!
                      Doesnt MAP need its village idiot back yet Oh wait i forgot, you're ALL a bunch of scum over there...what, are they exporting scum now?


                      • #12
                        Any "real" hapkido master would get wrapped up and brought to the ground as well, once they the ground the game IS in fact over. Not to say that a hapkido man couldn't get in a good punch or something, but the odds are its going to the clinch, then the ground, then he either taps or naps.


                        • #13
                          or snaps


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            Doesnt MAP need its village idiot back yet Oh wait i forgot, you're ALL a bunch of scum over there...what, are they exporting scum now?
                            BOAR SPEAR!? Is that indirect promotion of the gracies by calling someone who says they suck an idiot?


                            • #15
                              HAH, good call triangle i never thought of that one, thats good i need to use that more often... "Tap or Snap, man!"

                              That guy isn't really saying the Gracies suck as much as hes saying a very good Hapkido man would beat a very good BJJ man, which I'm not sure I agree with most of the time, and boar doesn't seem to think so either (wow we might actually be agreeing about something), but it was more that fact that this Murray guy was a jerk about it. He didn't say "Hey, that hapkido guy wasnt very good, i beleive a better hapkido man would have defeated the gracie." He told us that a BJJ expert would not SURVIVE against a good hapkido guy, and then he called us fucking idiots, thats what pissed me off the most, way more than his "superiority" assumption.

