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Hapkido vs BJJ

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
    BOAR SPEAR!? Is that indirect promotion of the gracies by calling someone who says they suck an idiot?
    nah, its just me callin' this dink an idiot. No worries, the end times aint here yet...


    • #17
      Originally posted by BoarSpear
      nah, its just me callin' this dink an idiot. No worries, the end times aint here yet...
      Okay I'll halt plans on the bomb shelter.


      • #18
        Honestly, I watch that fight and am just thinking, what on earth was that Hapkido guy trying anyway? A side kick against someone who was trying to take him down? Thats just begging to be put on the ground. He should of been looking to strike with his hands, and use those elbows and knees when Rorion closes the gap.

        When I used to do some backyard sparring with buds who did Hapkido (they were decently high level too, as well as good schoolyard fighters way back in the day), they would strike with punches mostly (closed and open palm, as well as some elbows), and do low heel kicks at the knees/ankles (to try damaging the opponent's limb so he goes down easy).

        One bud of mine had an older brother we would always spar with, he was a better fighter than any of us (and high level Hapkido guy, I think later on he also did some MA competitions), we would always try flashy kicks and whatnot and he'd show us dozens of ways to put us on the ground, I always considered Hapkido to be a competent system based on my experience sparring with them.

        And we had figured all this out by the time we were 14 years old or so fighting for fun, so I'll repeat, what on earth was that Hapkido instructor thinking?


        • #19
          Gracie vs. Martial Art Expert

          Here's a video that follows a similar fashion...


          • #20
            The hapkido man doesn't know what to do against a grappler, he has never faught on, not has he imagined in his wildest dreams that ground fighting really existed. I hope you don't think YOU could do better against Rorion Gracie.

            I beleive hapkido is a fine martial art, though I have never trained in it, and I have only seen very flashy and stupid demos, I assume it has legitimate concepts and techniques and I'd be interested in getting to know hapkido a little better, just for perspective (from a serious teacher). However, any way you slice it, hapkido has no moves in its sylabus for when a man has a double leg takedown on him, or when he is mounted. Maybe there is some kind of techbook eye attack, but the world of groundfighting is unimaginable to pretty much all traditionalists, ground positioning and detailed ground fighting never really existed until Judo, and it is extremely advanced due to the boom in grappling arts (sambo, judo, bjj, ect....) and competition in such arts.

            Hapkido is not intrinsically better than Brazilian Jujutsu, and it clearly lacks an entire skill set, which is the ground game and the clinch. Though BJJ may not focus on "duking it out", it abuses the weakness of most fighters and martial artists. I myself have seen this first hand. In the kungfu class i go to on sundays, we spar. I am a shorter guy, and when I am out there throwing strikes on these guys I am usually swatted all over the place, they fling my punches away and throw stuff at me from all over the place. However, after a few seconds of that, I realized "hey I grapple, hurray!" and then I just threw a quick strike or executed a quick block and then went right into a clean double-leg takedown. 4 seconds later, armbar. Next sparring session it was an arm-drag, to trip, to rear naked choke. My last two sessions also ended with armbars. Now my whole class of traditionalists is researching BJJ and they hate it. They have never dealth with a grappler, when they pull off their trips and such, they just let the guy roll away, while I chose to tie them up and use Judo's (ill give some credit to other schools of jujutsu of course) unique ground positioning system to achieve submissions. These guys had never imagined such a thing could happen to them.

            As i stated earlier, I'm not saying my base of BJJ is better than this art of kungfu i am learning, but the skills and varied, and these guys need to learn how to stop me from no just clinching, (because they can throw knees and elbows better than me most of the time) but bringing the fight to my little world where I can toy with them.


            • #21
              (dooooouble poooost)

              Its called phases of combat, namely:

              free-moving, clinch, and ground. Each of which has its own set of unique skills.


              • #22
                Originally posted by danfaggella
                The hapkido man doesn't know what to do against a grappler, he has never faught on, not has he imagined in his wildest dreams that ground fighting really existed. I hope you don't think YOU could do better against Rorion Gracie.

                I beleive hapkido is a fine martial art, though I have never trained in it, and I have only seen very flashy and stupid demos, I assume it has legitimate concepts and techniques and I'd be interested in getting to know hapkido a little better, just for perspective (from a serious teacher). However, any way you slice it, hapkido has no moves in its sylabus for when a man has a double leg takedown on him, or when he is mounted. Maybe there is some kind of techbook eye attack, but the world of groundfighting is unimaginable to pretty much all traditionalists, ground positioning and detailed ground fighting never really existed until Judo, and it is extremely advanced due to the boom in grappling arts (sambo, judo, bjj, ect....) and competition in such arts.

                Hapkido is not intrinsically better than Brazilian Jujutsu, and it clearly lacks an entire skill set, which is the ground game and the clinch. Though BJJ may not focus on "duking it out", it abuses the weakness of most fighters and martial artists. I myself have seen this first hand. In the kungfu class i go to on sundays, we spar. I am a shorter guy, and when I am out there throwing strikes on these guys I am usually swatted all over the place, they fling my punches away and throw stuff at me from all over the place. However, after a few seconds of that, I realized "hey I grapple, hurray!" and then I just threw a quick strike or executed a quick block and then went right into a clean double-leg takedown. 4 seconds later, armbar. Next sparring session it was an arm-drag, to trip, to rear naked choke. My last two sessions also ended with armbars. Now my whole class of traditionalists is researching BJJ and they hate it. They have never dealth with a grappler, when they pull off their trips and such, they just let the guy roll away, while I chose to tie them up and use Judo's (ill give some credit to other schools of jujutsu of course) unique ground positioning system to achieve submissions. These guys had never imagined such a thing could happen to them.

                As i stated earlier, I'm not saying my base of BJJ is better than this art of kungfu i am learning, but the skills and varied, and these guys need to learn how to stop me from no just clinching, (because they can throw knees and elbows better than me most of the time) but bringing the fight to my little world where I can toy with them.
                most modern hapkido now includes ground fighting and grappling, however its nowere near in depth as bjj. ive seen a few links on this site from full contact hapkido tournaments, and there was alot of grappling and groundfighting in it. however, their groundskills seemed pretty crude compared to bjj, but they do train it.


                • #23
                  I don't know which is more impressive, Rorion's skill or the appalling lack of skill on the part of the Hapkido instructor. Damn shame for someone to teach an art that translates as "way of coordinated power" to have neither power nor coordination.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by medic06
                    I don't know which is more impressive, Rorion's skill or the appalling lack of skill on the part of the Hapkido instructor. Damn shame for someone to teach an art that translates as "way of coordinated power" to have neither power nor coordination.

                    you gotta get the DVDs Gracies in Action 1 and 2 if you like that, theres an old video of some karate guys in brazil that challege the gracies to MMA fight, this is the old school family of Rorion, rickson and rolls, and the karate guys demand to fight on a (tile floored? I guess back then maybe??) basketball court insisting theres no way they can go to ground. Well they get properly S L A M M E D and taught the hard way, as do a bunch of others. Theres another fight with a high school kick boxing kid who wants to fight caeser gracie i think in a back yard, nice home video of that.


                    • #25
                      I don't think that Hapkido guy was as bad as he looked. He just wasn't used to fighting a grappler like that. He is used to fighting strikers and knows like "zero" takedown defense. I bet you that he did incorporate bjj in his training. But I think he would have been slightly more successful if he kept his kicks low and just throw round houses and punches and foot work is definitely very important. If he had better footwork and moved just enough to be out of reach of takedown range, but throw bombs while moving out of the way, ala liddel, then he would have definitely had more of a chance to knock royce out before it went to the ground.

                      But still, I'm sure happy the gracies did what they did because now many martial artist have incorporated much more grappling into their training. Not just ground stuff, but standing grappling too...offense and defense.


                      • #26
                        Nah, he was as bad as he looked


                        • #27
                          Damn, he sure held that 2nd choke a long time.


                          • #28
                            Watch out Gracies!

                            These MAists in this video would kill the Gracies!


                            • #29
                              If that Hapkido master really wanted to beat Rorian, he would have just gone for an eye or throat strike(in a real fight) that would have sent the sorry ass Gracie to the emergency room. I doubt the Hapkido guy was really trying to strike him in the face, because he would have knocked him out!


                              • #30
                                I read that a lot.

                                My though on the topic is that if the Hapkido man couldn't land a single good shot, he wouldn't be able to land one of his "deadly" and non-sportive attacks (eye gouges, knee to the groin ect...). the guy couldn't even land the moves he practices all the time, and spars with, how would he pull off a technique as unfunctionalized as the dirty techniques. By the way, if that was the street, the takedowns would have been more devistating to the Hapkido man, and Rorion's superior ground position would have allowed him to have far better dirty striking options than the hapkido man, who was squirming around helplessly on his back or his belly. Negating the sportive fighting rules does not take away the effectiveness of ground fighting in many instances. Obviously if there are 3 guys coming at you, you cant take on of them down, because the others will jump you, but if your against 3 attackers, or a bunch of armed guys, your not going to stand there and strike them away, your gunna book it or hand over that wallet.

