I see some photographs and video of Rickson training in a strang way. He sees to do meditation and breathing exercises and such. I have always had a slight intrest in such training methods and I think that things like breathing, health promotion, morals (not that I personally need to look to martial arts fro my morals, or religion) and self developement are either not a part of BJJ/MT (what i study mostly), or they were lost somewhere in translation, and probably for the relatively good reason that they aren't as productive for figthing training as other methods. However, I think that being a martial artist means more than being able to "kick ass like Chuck Liddel" (doesnt it?....) and that a martial artist developes himself as an indevidual. I think the things I listed above focus more on the meditative (im not going all hippie bullshit "life force" on you right now) and reflective side to the martial arts. I wonder what peoples thoughts are on such training methods, and if anyone knows what kind of traditional stuff rickson or any other fighter uses in addiction to thier good sportive training.