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awesome system video

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  • awesome system video

    check out this video, its a real good find. it shows alot of old school footage. and check out the full contact fighting they do in the end, its badass.

  • #2
    Awesome mate, much better than that rubbish the US Army currently train in right.


    • #3
      Nice find !! Looks like very early systema training....wicked.


      • #4
        Are you guys having us on? Or are you mad?

        Thats nothing but slow motion training (yes, I know some of the film was slowed down...... but they're training in slow motion anyway) involving higly telegraphed attacks made be people who start falling over before the bleedin' technique is even applied!

        The only difference between that and Pro Wrestling is this - in Systema even the practitioners don't realise that they're cooperating with each other.

        What a load of tosh.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          Are you guys having us on? Or are you mad?

          Thats nothing but slow motion training (yes, I know some of the film was slowed down...... but they're training in slow motion anyway) involving higly telegraphed attacks made be people who start falling over before the bleedin' technique is even applied!

          The only difference between that and Pro Wrestling is this - in Systema even the practitioners don't realise that they're cooperating with each other.

          What a load of tosh.
          yeah everyone knows the soviet special forces were pussies and their H2h training was worthless.... Man they really babied those guys through training..what a bunch of goobers eh Bri?


          • #6
            Just how widespread was Systema in their special forces training? Ask people from soviet special forces...... not people from Systema.

            These guys claim similar things.....

            The official website for Grand Celestial Do , the fighting art of the cosmos. The most effective and revolutionary martial art system there is, originating from alien visitors from outer space

            Do they have another convert in you?

            I've seen loads of that Systema makes ya fall over nonsense. I met up with a guy who posts similar clips of himself. He claims to perform "knife defence", and can easily do it against his own students.

            Guess what? I stabbed him repeatedly with his own blunt knife.... and didn't fall over once.

            Yes, let's have an open mind. But let's only actually be convinced of something after real proof, rather than legend and self induced hypnotism.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Thai Bri
              Just how widespread was Systema in their special forces training? Ask people from soviet special forces...... not people from Systema.

              These guys claim similar things.....

              The official website for Grand Celestial Do , the fighting art of the cosmos. The most effective and revolutionary martial art system there is, originating from alien visitors from outer space

              Do they have another convert in you?

              I've seen loads of that Systema makes ya fall over nonsense. I met up with a guy who posts similar clips of himself. He claims to perform "knife defence", and can easily do it against his own students.

              Guess what? I stabbed him repeatedly with his own blunt knife.... and didn't fall over once.

              Yes, let's have an open mind. But let's only actually be convinced of something after real proof, rather than legend and self induced hypnotism.....
              Hehehehehe disinformation bri...check the Navy Seal site they claim ninja training is the most useful for future candidates.

              Ever met a actual soviet SF guy? go ahead make me laugh, tell me he wasnt hard as nails and couldnt fight

              i agree there is a lot of crap in the systema system, but just because you cant do something, doesnt mean no one else can.


              • #8
                BoreSpear is right mate, he knows shed loads about wearing camo and pretending to be military combatives right so he would know what is really effective or not.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thai Bri
                  Just how widespread was Systema in their special forces training? Ask people from soviet special forces...... not people from Systema.

                  These guys claim similar things.....

                  The official website for Grand Celestial Do , the fighting art of the cosmos. The most effective and revolutionary martial art system there is, originating from alien visitors from outer space

                  Do they have another convert in you?

                  I've seen loads of that Systema makes ya fall over nonsense. I met up with a guy who posts similar clips of himself. He claims to perform "knife defence", and can easily do it against his own students.

                  Guess what? I stabbed him repeatedly with his own blunt knife.... and didn't fall over once.

                  Yes, let's have an open mind. But let's only actually be convinced of something after real proof, rather than legend and self induced hypnotism.....
                  On another note, I like that the aliens that taught this guy the "Grand Celestial Do" apparently speak a mix of English and Japanese.


                  • #10

                    Well even if you don't believe all of this vid....these guys look pretty badass to me and I have read articles on how these guys got trained. These guys are badass from everthing I have read or seen.

                    Plus I mean if I was training my SF guys for my army I'd definitley but a step by step video, and manual as well as lots of instructors who taught how my people fought, right out in the open for everyone to see and learn.


                    • #11
                      Nice vid, dude


                      • #12
                        I have to agree with Thai Bri (!) ... This is not the way SO train. For that matter I am sure that thise are not Specnaz, but just common soldiers (and in some cases they are just fooling arond). Please look carefully and use your brain: some/a lot of tehnices are hylarios (2.30-2.50" and 5.00-5.20" in the vid), second, no SF alows filming there training (and this was especialy true in the Cold War Period). Third, most of the people in the tape had low-medium timing and coordination, and people like that don't get in SF teams.
                        In fact I highly daubt the autenticity of this video as anything more then a 'demo' of soldiers trying new tehnics.
                        And btw this video is from Vlad's Knife Defence tape ... I have seen it before and I have even looked at the tape - it is NOT real ! Do not try that agains a knife!


                        • #13
                          I thought it was established that the most effective way to train hand to hand was with aliveness or full contact fighting(with pads ofcoarse so you dont get injured), and weapons training is the only thing that should be slowed down because its fatal if done wrong.


                          • #14

                            These guys are training combat tactics for live fighting in battle. if done at speed most likley very few people would survive much less be of any use when it was over. When you train to KILL 100% means someones death.


                            • #15
                              I guess people can believe what they want to believe. But the best people believe what the evidence points to, regardless of what they want.

                              The guy I trained with? He's still peddling the same old stuff. Apparently he's gone from a stand of "I can make these knife defences work" to "I am not skilled enough to do it without hurting you."

                              Thank God he let me off! -

