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BlackBelt Mag. toughest fighters

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  • BlackBelt Mag. toughest fighters

    just picked up the latest copy of blackbelt mag where it lists its picks for the toughest fighters on planet earth.
    1. terry o'neill : a shotokan practitioner whos also a veteran bouncer known for his text book like karate techniques and one kick knockouts to the head.
    2.Gene Lebell : a legend and master of the grappling arts , everything from wrestling , judo and brazilian jiujitsu.
    3.geoff Thompson: a seasoned bouncer from britain who has trained in standup, clinching and groundfighting.
    4.stan peterec: a former world kickboxing light middleweightwho has bounced for 12 years.
    5. PeterConsterdine: amember of britains international karate team and a veteran bouncer and bodyguard for celebs like david Beckham.
    6.Carl Cestari: the worlds leading expert on WW2 hand to hand combat and a former street cop.
    7.Denis Martin: a military based combatives practitioner from england whos bounced for 20 plus years and still bounces in liverpool
    8.john skillen: still in his 30s , hes a streetfighting legend in england with 2000 plus fights and worked as a bouncer for 15 years. apparently he's crushed every opponent he's fought and is trained extensively in judo and boxing.
    9.Dave Briggs : another brit whos trained in chinese boxing, kungfu, kickboxing and brazilian jiujitsu. known for his "power slap" .
    10.jim Harrison: an old school karate practitioner form the 60s when full contact was bonebreaking bloodsport also a cop who is now in montana.
    11.Benny "the jet" Urquidez : California kickboxing legend and also a crosstraining martial artist. any westerner who can beat Thai boxers at their own game is tough.
    12. Paul Vunak: jeet Kune DO specialist from california whos trained the navy seal and is a very proficient practitioner of brazilian jiu jitsu.
    13.Lee Morrison: a bouncer form england whos formed his own style called "urban Combatitives" . known as a very powerful knockout artist.
    14.Loren W. Christiensen: a crosstraining martial artist and police officer from oregon who is alsoa vietnam vet and haswritten scores of books on selfdefense.
    15.J Kelly McCann: also known as Jim Grover. a close quarter combat expert who a falmouth Virginia reality training organization known as the "Crucible" who is also a consultant and trainier for the US military.
    16. Richard Dimitri: The montreal based founder of "Senshido". who also studies the pre fight aspects the psychological components of fighting.
    17.David James: head of the "VEE Arnis Jitsu" system in new york.
    18.Tony Cecchine: one the worlds foremost authorities on catch as you can wrestling in chicago.
    19.Marco Lala: a proficient KYokushin martial artist whos cross trained in judo and jiujitsu.
    20.Rodney "Chico" King: a cross training martial artist in africa whos renowned for his street boxing abilities
    now apparently when the writer compiled the list everyone he consulted put Terry O"Neill at the top of the list. now where the hell are the Gracies?? with the exception of judo gene lebell there aint a guy who could go one on one with rickson or royce. your opininons??

  • #2
    yep, and combined they have a 0- 3847394 record in MMA competitions, real warriors listed there, lol


    • #3
      Well that list will piss off the Paul Vunak nut huggers around here, he only makes number 12 behind the real RBSD superheros like Thompson and Constantine who are bloody hard BTW right.

      This proves that Brits are harder than yanks:
      1. Brit
      2. Yank
      3. Brit
      4. ?
      5. Brit
      6. ?
      7. Brit
      8. Brit
      9. Brit
      10. Yank
      11.l Yank
      12. Yank
      13. Brit
      14. Yank
      15. Yank
      16. Canadian = honory Brit right
      17. Yank
      18. Yank
      19. Yank
      20. S. African


      • #4
        ok but i fail to believe that there isnt one guy with the exception of gene lebell , the gracies wouldnt destroy one on one. there are a lot of brits in there for sure one on one grapplers like the gracies would dominate. but im just so bewildeed that this so called martial art magazine with all its prestige would omit guys like the gracies and bas rutten .


        • #5
          They forgot Mike B!


          • #6
            Originally posted by nutter
            Well that list will piss off the Paul Vunak nut huggers around here, he only makes number 12 behind the real RBSD superheros like Thompson and Constantine who are bloody hard BTW right.

            This proves that Brits are harder than yanks:
            1. Brit
            2. Yank
            3. Brit
            4. ?
            5. Brit
            6. ?
            7. Brit
            8. Brit
            9. Brit
            10. Yank
            11.l Yank
            12. Yank
            13. Brit
            14. Yank
            15. Yank
            16. Canadian = honory Brit right
            17. Yank
            18. Yank
            19. Yank
            20. S. African

            You're the only person I know that takes this popularity contest bullshit seriously, nutter.
            There are alot of people that aren't on that list that are far tougher than the guy they ranked number one. (ow, wow...he can knock somebody out with a kick to the head...where are all the Thai's, Japanese, Brazillians, and Eastern Europeans???)

            Much less all the true tough bastards that are soooo far off the radar, nobody will ever hear about them?


            • #7
              Some trends I noticed: Bouncer, Cop, Veteran/Military Trainer, bad a$$.

              And well the Gracie's were probably like #22 or #25. Sounds like it was a top 20 list, remember? Kazushi "The Gracie Hunter" Sakuraba wasn't on the list either and he beat every Gracie he has fought. Yes the Gracie's are a dominate force in the MA world, but they obviously didn't meet the Black Belt Magazines criteria for the top 20. If they came out with a top 50, or 100 list I bet they would be on there for sure. Same for Bas Rutten; he was a bouncer and bad a$$ but probably not bad enough to make the top 20.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gunjin
                Some trends I noticed: Bouncer, Cop, Veteran/Military Trainer, bad a$$.

                And well the Gracie's were probably like #22 or #25. Sounds like it was a top 20 list, remember? Kazushi "The Gracie Hunter" Sakuraba wasn't on the list either and he beat every Gracie he has fought. Yes the Gracie's are a dominate force in the MA world, but they obviously didn't meet the Black Belt Magazines criteria for the top 20. If they came out with a top 50, or 100 list I bet they would be on there for sure. Same for Bas Rutten; he was a bouncer and bad a$$ but probably not bad enough to make the top 20.
                That's bullshit, and you know it.
                True, there's a difference between sport and "real" fighting, but...there are people out there that get into real fights every single day. What about fucking soldiers, huh? What about gang-bangers...I don't like the fuckers either, but credit where credit's due...

                I've seen some tough shit.
                I watched somebody stick their arm into a deep frier because he dropped something and not flinch. This same guy's doing time now for shooting two kids years before I met him, when he was a hitman for an old school asian gang.

                Another person I've seen around carved bullet slugs out of his body with a razorblade so he didn't get caught by the cops going to the hospital.


                • #9
                  Something about Black Belt Magazine

                  Just remember that back in 1984 they put Sylvester Stallone on the cover with a title something like: Will Rambo Save Thai Boxing? Also of note is that since 1984, any article featuring either Dan Inosanto or Chai Sirisute has used pictures taken prior to that particular cover, when they took Master Chai out and put Stallone on while promising Master Chai a future cover, which they have yet to deliver. As Garland notes, consider the source.


                  • #10
                    That's bullshit, and you know it.
                    Um, a little confused as to what is BS?

                    Sure, I agree there are hard people out there that have been through some sh!t. And because of that, the Gracie's aren't the end all be all just because they are successful in the MA world. They are beatable just like anyone else, and my response was actually to georgie and any other Gracie groupies. Being successful in the ring obviously wasn't enough to meet Black Belts critieria for the Top 20 toughest....


                    • #11
                      When did Benny "The Jet" beat a Muay Thai fighter? From what I read, he lost both fights. But he refused to admit it and said it was just exibition.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Garland
                        What about gang-bangers...I don't like the fuckers either, but credit where credit's due...




                        • #13
                          I really think I could have made the list if the story hadn't gotten out about how that old lady whacked me with her purse when I was too slow in the line at Luby's. I was not crying, damn it! My eyes were watering!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Britt
                            I really think I could have made the list if the story hadn't gotten out about how that old lady whacked me with her purse when I was too slow in the line at Luby's. I was not crying, damn it! My eyes were watering!

                            Me too, if it weren't for those pesky kids!


                            • #15
                              Reason for some not on list

                              The author of the article,Lito Angeles,had two criteria to meet in coming up with the list.No deceased fighters and no professional mixed martial art fighters.I think you might have to look out in future editions for probably a "top twenty M.M.A. fighters"list.

