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Choosing a GI

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  • Choosing a GI

    I've been grappling without a gi for a while now. On mondays we have agi class and I usually borrow one, but I think I aught to get one of my own, especially since I might be going to a gi jujutsu establishment more often (Tim Burrill's). However, I'm a bit new to the gi, and need to know how to pick one that will suit me, so I'll lay down some questions:

    -What brands are preferable?

    -How do Judo/Jujutsu gi's differ?

    -Single weave, double weave? I don't think I'll be rolling with a gi every day, but I also don't want one that will fall apart on me.

    -Do the sizes of the gi's correlate to shirt sizes at all?

    I'll expect that some of you guys know a good deal about this topic (tant?).

    Thanks ahead of time.

  • #2
    Tim is putting in an order soon. Just go up there or e-mail him and ask him if you can get one when he orders. His e-mail is on his website.


    • #3

      Originally posted by danfaggella
      I've been grappling without a gi for a while now. On mondays we have agi class and I usually borrow one, but I think I aught to get one of my own, especially since I might be going to a gi jujutsu establishment more often (Tim Burrill's). However, I'm a bit new to the gi, and need to know how to pick one that will suit me, so I'll lay down some questions:

      -What brands are preferable?

      -How do Judo/Jujutsu gi's differ?

      -Single weave, double weave? I don't think I'll be rolling with a gi every day, but I also don't want one that will fall apart on me.

      -Do the sizes of the gi's correlate to shirt sizes at all?

      I'll expect that some of you guys know a good deal about this topic (tant?).

      Thanks ahead of time.
      Who me? LOL Yeah... How tall are you? I'm 5-9 and fit a size 6...

      You get what you pay for (usually) regardless of brand name.

      There is little difference between Judo and Jiu-Jitsu Gi but sometimes seam placement... some are more/less comfortable depending on how much time you spend on your back. Also only some types will be permitted for Judo competitions... I'm sure Tim Mousel can hook you up with the good stuff! Shop the site you're on!

      I recommend a double weave, It'll cost more money but worth it!


      • #4
        i still have my basic, 50 dollar judo gi that i first got when i started judo/jiu jitsu. its pretty dirty and ragged, but its served me fine.


        • #5
          Originally posted by J-Luck
          Tim is putting in an order soon. Just go up there or e-mail him and ask him if you can get one when he orders. His e-mail is on his website.
          I mean Tim Burrill.


          • #6
            I looooove my Koral Competition (double weave) gi. I've also trained with Atama, Keiko Raca, and Mizuno gis. I haven't had problems with any of them, although the Keiko Raca pants tore after about a year of heavy use (I only had the single gi at the time, and was training four to five times per week).

            I don't mind training exclusively in a heavy gi, probably because I've never trained with a single-weave. I don't find them uncomfortable or too hot.

            For gi reviews, check here

            Also search this forum - this topic seems to resurface every year or so.


            • #7
              I know that Mat Santos/Tim Burrill order some, but I might be trying to find something different, either cheaper or just different in color or style or something. I don't want a fancy gi, just a durable one that i dig.

              J-Luck, will a Judo gi work in a BJJ class, or will it not work out?



              • #8
                Originally posted by danfaggella
                I know that Mat Santos/Tim Burrill order some, but I might be trying to find something different, either cheaper or just different in color or style or something. I don't want a fancy gi, just a durable one that i dig.

                J-Luck, will a Judo gi work in a BJJ class, or will it not work out?

                I'm not experienced in Gi differences, though I do no that Tim hasn't stopped anyone for wearing a wrong Gi before that I have seen. I've only been there for a lil over a month, but I doubt he would care.


                • #9
                  Judo and Jiu Jitsu Gi's are almost interchangeable, I would recommend getting Judo if your doing Judo etc.. but its not that big a deal, for instance, my BJJ gi is what I wear to Judo.

                  Personally I have a Keiko Raca, (and a no name one), the no name one kinda shrunk up, so did the Keiko.. but... the no name one is sorta shrunk, and it doesnt feel as nice, I dont know its kinda.. strange...

                  You get what you pay for though, my Keiko Raca, cost me 35 bucks more maybe (canadian), and I've only worn the no name one once since I got the Keiko.

                  Cant stand wearing it now....

                  Most people at my gym are rolling in Keiko or Koral's, Koral is a very popular Gi, must be a reason for that.


                  • #10
                    Good comments, thanks guys.

                    Time to shop, hopefully I find something unbleached, I like unbleached a whole lot more.


                    • #11
                      If youre gonna get a Gi, minus well get a nice one, i suggest this...


                      • #12
                        A lot of folks like the Mizuno Gi as well...


                        • #13
                          I have a Koral gi and I personally don't like it =o I liked the atama more, I haven't tried any of the other brands though.


                          • #14

                            I think I'll probably be getting a Mizuno double weave pretty soon, first I need to find out my size.


                            I am going to TIM BURRILL's this tuesday!


                            • #15
                              Your getting a double weave going into summer... yeesh that could get hot....

                              The singles will hold up fine, I wouldnt worry about having it rip or anything like that... I've only seen a few no name Gi's rip.... I wouldnt recommend double weave for the summer though... very hot.

