When it comes to MMA what is the best way to train over the summer? I mean do simple home training, work out at a gym, try to get into a school, what? Any suggestions are welcomes.
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Originally posted by TangSooDoGirlWhen it comes to MMA what is the best way to train over the summer? I mean do simple home training, work out at a gym, try to get into a school, what? Any suggestions are welcomes.
Buy a rope, heavy bag, speed bag and mirrors for your house, get trained in boxing/kickboxing 2-3 times a week, the rest of the time training in your house with that equipment. Buy some cheap mats, go to some wrestling camps and Bjj school a couple times a week to learn, and drill at home...
That is, under the assumption you're trying to save money and time.
Wrestling.... my knee won't survive that. I've dislocated my right knee 5 times in a year. I have perniment knee and hip damage, I'll never be able to do a high side kick because of the perniment hip damage unless they manage to find a way to fix it. I was told I'd never walk right again, let alone run, especialy go back to Martial Arts.
Never listen to any doc that tells you that you'll never be able to do something!! Not until you've tried other options. The warrior guy whose e-mail address I sent you is a chiropractor, and I know that he's worked with people who had "permanent" damage (and the docs just couldn't figure out what to do!!) The art he trains in they've also trained people on wheelchairs. He'll take care of you. I'm tellin ya, girl, we will hook you up!!!
You are the age I was when I started training.
Originally posted by TangSooDoGirlI was told I'd never walk right again, let alone run, especialy go back to Martial Arts.
Originally posted by AdeptThe same doctors that told Bruce Lee he'd never do martial arts again because of his spine injury? He went on to become a legend....humm.....
I myself just healed from something the docs told me I'd have to deal with permanently. They're stumped.
You definately need quality instruction, practice and study any techniques you learn in the Dojo at home. Remember it takes 30 days to learn a bad habit and 90 days to break it.
Originally posted by J-Luck. Buy some cheap mats, go to some wrestling camps and Bjj school a couple times a week to learn, and drill at home...
"Hi Im a chick who wants to come to wrestling camp" yes, "well I heard you guys there get to wear those funny looking ear cover thingys?" why yes we do. "great, Im on my way! " great, see you here sweetie
Originally posted by OmaPlatayeah dumb-dumb the chicks going to go to some "wrestling camps" lmao, she would love the funny things they put on over their ears.
"Hi Im a chick who wants to come to wrestling camp" yes, "well I heard you guys there get to wear those funny looking ear cover thingys?" why yes we do. "great, Im on my way! " great, see you here sweetie
Originally posted by AdeptLol. What do you have against wrestling? It seems that every post that you make about wrestling, something negative must be put. I am merely curious, but why is that?