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Functional Half Guard - Free Instructional

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  • Functional Half Guard - Free Instructional

    Indrek Reiland is the instructor of Aliveness Gym Estonia (Straight Blast Gym) and an e-buddy of mine. Just to try his hand at it and see what it was like to create an instructional, he produced one called Functional Half Guard. Despite the guerilla filming, I have to admit that it is one of my favorite half guard instructionals.

    I've seen ones by Gordo, Gustavo Machado, Saulo, Bob Bass, Ze Mario and others. While those are all good, Indrek's was the first I'd seen break down the half guard into truly basic basics like hip, head and hand position, posture, defending the cross face, defending the underhook. The overall quality is surprisingly good considering the it was filmed on a digicam in the corner of a karate club with one training partner as his dummy.

    What I felt really made the video worth watching was the quality of the material. Most of it is simple, solid and safe, making it some of the most useful techniques and positions for half guard. The paw and double paw are staples of my half guard now, and the safety position is invaluable when passing. Watch those if nothing else.

    I also found it interesting how he approached it like he was teaching the viewer how to better coach their own students, and the use of the I-Method and Isolation stage drilling to focus on specific skills or add them to the game.

    I asked Indrek for permission to put his video online, and he was happy to share all it for free. So I present:

    » Functional Half Guard by Indrek Reiland (Aliveness Gym Estonia) [01:26:59]


    Basic Positioning
    Stay on your side
    Isolation: paw vs crossface
    Triangling the legs
    Returning to closed guard
    Isolation: adding the guard return
    Double paw
    Defending the brabo choke
    Isolation: adding the double paw
    Isolation: adding the wedge
    Behind the back arm trapping + sweep
    Isolation: adding the arm trapping
    On teaching basic positions and isolated drilling
    Basic Techniques
    Two ways of taking the back
    Toe grab sweep
    Isolation: adding toe grab sweep
    Sweeps off the wedge
    - Going out the backdoor
    - Grab pants sweep
    When to teach half guard, the more advanced games and the basics
    Half Guard Top
    Basic goal - crossface and turning out
    Safety position 1
    - Down by hips to negate the underhook
    - Pinching knees to prevent the guard return
    - Cupping elbow to negate the paw
    - Head in landing pad to flatten them out
    - Isolation: safety position
    - Importance of head position
    Brabo choke
    Safety position 2
    Why not to kill the paw with a knee
    Isolation: safety positions and whizzer
    Basic goal in detail
    - Crossface
    - Turning out
    - Hand on hip
    Gi grips
    - Shoulder lockdown
    - Face covering
    Passing off their bridge
    Passing to mount
    Passing to side control
    Passing to side control or mount
    Isolation: passes
    Hip switch pass
    Isolation: Review of passing drills
    Putting the whole passing game together
    Closing and Thanks

  • #2


    • #3
      That's awesome. Big thanks to both of you for sharing your knowledge and contributing to the community in such a big way!


      • #4
        Aesopian, we don't see you around here much . . . or at all???

        Thanks for the info


        • #5
          I used some of the stuff from the video in class today. Good stuff. You should definitely consider doing more videos. With a little better editing to cut between scenes and a better taping environment that has less echo you'd have something going.


          • #6
            Can you put it somewhere else. I cant get Goolge videos at work because of the firewall.


            • #7
              This is a great video! Very nicely done. Try going to to get around your firewall at work. Don't get fired though!


              • #8
                Your search - Indrek Reiland - did not match any documents.

                Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
                Try different keywords.
                Try more general keywords.
                Try fewer keywords.

                Your search - jorgen matsi - did not match any documents.

                what are these guys BJJ backgrounds? anyone know.
                Some of the stuff looks good, technique is good


                • #9
                  I watched this tutorial this last weekend and was quite sastified. Although obviously not high budget the quality of instruction is very good and the techniques are sound.... I am impressed. If there are any other instructionals from Aliveness out there I definitely would like to watch them.



                  • #10
                    Try sending them an email here

                    Indrek Reiland 56643122
                    Jorgen Matsi 55631192

                    Calling them probably isn't an option.


                    • #11
                      Ttt ...................................


                      • #12
                        TTT - - -- need to save this for later

