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hurt back

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  • hurt back

    My back is messed up from a variety of things, mainly from twisting and turning in the bottom gaurd and getin stacked. Recently I got slammed by some noobie meathead and I chipped a few teeth and really fucked my back up. I have spasms sometimes and a constant ache. I am going to get more tests at othe doctor's soon.

    What can I do in my spare time to fullfill my grappling passion? What would you do in this situation?

    I'm just so frustrated that I cant work on what I've been working on (specifically: kneebars and attacks from mount/side control) and I feel like I need to do SOMETHING!!!!


  • #2
    If by stacking you mean when he lifts you up when hes in your guard and slams you, then thats against bjj rules... Stop grappling with people who are dumb shits. And I don't see how twisting in guard will give you a back ache, it never gave me problems, it's just hard because I'm not that flexible


    • #3
      No i mean just putting thier weight over my hips and pressing down on my spine, possably to get out of my juji gatame or triangle. Now it hurts a lot and im getting it check out.

      I still want to know what i can do to fullfill my grapplin need in this condition.


      • #4
        Originally posted by danfaggella
        My back is messed up from a variety of things, mainly from twisting and turning in the bottom gaurd and getin stacked. Recently I got slammed by some noobie meathead and I chipped a few teeth and really fucked my back up. I have spasms sometimes and a constant ache. I am going to get more tests at othe doctor's soon.

        What can I do in my spare time to fullfill my grappling passion? What would you do in this situation?

        I'm just so frustrated that I cant work on what I've been working on (specifically: kneebars and attacks from mount/side control) and I feel like I need to do SOMETHING!!!!

        see what happens when you train in your backyard, instead of being supervised by a qualified instructor? how many times did i post replies telling you that you were gonna get injured?

        as far as "fullfilling your grappling passion", with an injured back this website is about as fullfilling as you passion is going to be get now.


        • #5
          These injuries happened at Mat Santos's Academy.... There are no big guys in my neighborhood. This injury occured a month or so ago, long after the regular backyard sessions. The last outside grappling I've done was in April, and the heaviest kid I grappled was 160.


          • #6
            Watch videos? lol

            Ever heard of two move grappling? It's an excercise I want to try out sometime which you may be able to do. No resistance, just seeing what techniques you can do from which positions. You do two moves and then freeze, and your training partner then does two moves and freezes. I hope you have good friends that will do an excercise like that for you when they really wanna go full force. Bribing them with food or beer afterwards might help.


            • #7
              Originally posted by danfaggella
              Recently I got slammed by some noobie meathead and I chipped a few teeth and really fucked my back up.

              What can I do to fullfill my grappling passion?

              How about not sucking so bad that you get tossed around and slammed by the new guys? Might give that a try.


              • #8
                see a licensed physician and do what you're told. give yourself time and heal. grapple more years that way than pushing it now.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jubaji
                  How about not sucking so bad that you get tossed around and slammed by the new guys? Might give that a try.
                  wasnt he supposedly instructing others in grappling?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                    wasnt he supposedly instructing others in grappling?


                    You're right, he did say that!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                      see what happens when you train in your backyard, instead of being supervised by a qualified instructor? how many times did i post replies telling you that you were gonna get injured?

                      as far as "fullfilling your grappling passion", with an injured back this website is about as fullfilling as you passion is going to be get now.

                      He's said plenty of times he trains with Matt santos... his saying a newb slammed him would inply that there is some establishment with some order wherever the event occured. Thank's for being an almighty God.


                      • #12
                        So what's the best way to prevent slams (for him to visualize while he's recovering and for the rest of us to learn.)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by treelizard
                          So what's the best way to prevent slams (for him to visualize while he's recovering and for the rest of us to learn.)
                          opening his guard and making space between him and his opponent before he is lifted, or grabbing the nearest leg and going for a sweep?


                          • #14
                            Man, you all know everything.


                            • #15
                              Hurting your back really does make you miserable. First, forget doctors. They'll tell you to take it easy, then put you on huge horsepills of muscle relaxers/painkillers. You will not likely be informed specifically what you did wrong to be in all this pain, which vertebrae are the problem, or be advised how to avoid trauma in the 1st place. Find a good chiropractor by getting a recommendation from someone you trust. Later, find a reputable physical therapist. If you must see a doctor, find one who specializes in sports medicine.
                              Generally, ice your back heavily the first few days after the injury. Afterward, start including hot showers and heat pads throughout the day, but still ice before bed. Reduce inflammation (which tends to aggravate back spasms) by cleaning up your diet. No more of anything that tastes sweet, fried foods, or partially hydrogenated oil. Drink more than half a gallon of spring water every day. Eat meat at every meal, and eat it before everything else. The second thing you eat at every meal should be a slow-digesting starch--plain oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc. Avoid all forms of sitting and laying down, except for sleeping 8 hrs./night. Walking with good posture (and in a quality pair of shoes) will speed your healing process.
                              I like watching BJJ instructional videos, reading grappling books, and running through combinations of moves in my mind during downtime.

