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the darse choke

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  • the darse choke

    anyone know this move? i learned it today and i must say im quite impressed with how devastating this technique can be. the choke uses a special grip as well to achieve its effect. you can use it to flip people over too. i hadnt seen it till now, i learned it off someone who had just come back from a seminar.

    my only concern is jackoff noobs or people like danfagella using this technique and breaking somoene necks with it.

  • #2
    my bad, its spelled "darce". evidently it was a modification of a wrestling move or something? im not sure. but if you havent heard of this technique, you will soon. evidently its going to be the next big thing in bjj/grappling....


    • #3
      I keep getting the Brabo and the Darce mixed up. Is the Darce the one that resembles the guillotine or the one that you can do from side mount if they turn towards you?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
        I keep getting the Brabo and the Darce mixed up. Is the Darce the one that resembles the guillotine or the one that you can do from side mount if they turn towards you?
        the darce can be done from many different positions. its not the brabo.


        • #5
          Can you describe or breakdown the move?


          • #6
            its way to hard to convey it over the net. it requires a special 3 finger grip to perform too. its a kind of scissor motion done with the arms when you have them in head and arm type position. it folds their neck in half, choking them and breaking their neck. you put people in it, they WILL TAP. its painful, and effective immediately. you can use it to flip/throw people over too. i was put it in it a few times and i realized immediately how devastating it is. im going to really work this into my game and try to avoid being caught in one at all costs.

            heres one video ive been able to find that shows the technique. in this video its being performed against a turtled oppoenent. the darce choke can be done from many other positions as well though, standing included. you dont even have to hook his leg like shown in the video, you can finish them without it. the guy in the video doesnt use the 3 finger grip either which makes better use of the blades of the forearms.


            • #7
              I know waht you're talking about now, I have the names mixed up for the Brabo and the Darce so I was asking you for clarification of the move (which I didn't really get until just now). But yes the Darce choke is a rather quick choke.


              • #8
                Wierd, seems really interesting, there are so many obscure chokes and locks from the front head lock position, its one of my favorite places to get someone.


                • #9
                  The front headlock is probably the most dominant clinch position you can get in grappling, in my opinion. The techniques you can pull off from the front headlock range from takedowns to sweeps and submissions.


                  • #10
                    Isnt this just a little variation of a peruvian choke?


                    • #11
                      Yes it is a dev choke...very very effective..joe d'arce's finisher....hes a renzo black belt over here in brentwood sister actually went to school with him very nice guy.

