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Bill O'Reilly on "Ultimate Fighting"

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  • Bill O'Reilly on "Ultimate Fighting"

    Here's the segment on Bill O'reily's show about "Utlimate Fighting". This will get your blood bubbling. Bill is so close minded and ignorant when it comes to mixed martial arts or "human cockfighting". Dana White and Rich Franklin are on.
    This all happened about 3 hours ago.

    Youll wanna see this:

    I just found it on YouTube:

  • #2
    How does everyone feel about what Bill O'Reilly thinks about Ultimate Fighting? Is it really that brutal? Is mma really all that safe when compared to boxing?


    • #3
      He starts to cite a Brittish study on concussions in MMA...saying that like 48 concussions per 1000 fighters, opposed to 19 per 1000 for prizefighters.

      OKAY NOW...
      find me 1000 licensed professional MMA fighters...willing to take a survey.
      You'd have a better chance with pro boxers...but I still doubt you'd find 1000 willing to take a survey.
      Where do they get the info...??? Perhaps the ring doctors for MMA are especially careful in their records???

      I don't believe that shit, boxing glove=more sustained heavy blows to the head=more muthafuckin' concussions.

      Bill O'Reilly is a narrow minded, bitch ass, conservative cocksucker. I cannot wait until they find him popping pills or feeling up little boys, because you KNOW that fucker is doing that shit.


      • #4
        Bill O'Reilly is narrowed minded bitch. Some people fight because they have a passion to be the best martial artist in fighting. It is not always because of money...


        • #5
          what i hate about bill oriely is how he makes a huge deal when others do personal attacks on him and he talks about he doesnt go to that level, yet he turns right around and personally attacks those who attacked him right after.

          and btw, wasnt he in court for sexual harrasment not too long ago? that doesnt sound very conservative to me....


          • #6
            Hey guys don't let BillO'Reilley fool you...he is not a true conservative. I think he is a bleeding heart liberal in conservative clothing. When you have a radio show and a t.v. show it is easier to have a popular one if you are a conservative...especially in the south. I am a conservative but I am also a die hard martial artist who loves the UFC and other MMA orginzations. I do not think he has a clue as to what he is talking about. If there is a study it was probably done by someone who does not agree with the MMA's popularity. Its funny that everyone thinks if you fight you will end up like Muhammed Ali...what about all the other millions of people out there who have Parkinsons Disease and never fought...never got in the ring what about them were they just abused while growing up. No it is like cancer, anyone can get Parkinsons. Which other fighter ended up with Parkinson Disease? Joe Lewis- no, Jack Dempsey-no, Jack Johnson-no, Sugar Ray Robinson-no George Foreman-no Joe Frazier-no....and these are only a few of the guys who have taking alot of punches.


            • #7
              Yeah, this guy goes nuts when someone attacks him yet he has the nerve to sit there and ask the president of the UFC whether he'd feed his fighters to the lions


              • #8
                Card for UFC 62

                Senator Mcain VS Bill O'reilly in a whos most likely a cross dressing soccer mom match,

                Mcain is no Marine, Murtha is a Marine, I'd like to see both of those pencil neck geeks beaten with a rubber hose, why do we as americans allow white picket fence soccer moms to set our policy!

                I am a minister belive me I see the worst of it I am becoming ashamed of the country I defended WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE LAND OF THE BRAVE!

                well as my dad always say's he who can't do it is the first to critisize!


                • #9
                  1) Who the fawk cares what Bill O'Reilly thinks?

                  He is the epitomy of schtick. He picks a topic and attacks the opposite side of what he professes to believe. He doesn't seek a reasonable discource, he just throws out ad hominum attacks and paints himself as some kind of self-righteous champion of morality and "right living." Why? Ratings and money. That's it. The only thing Bill O'Reilly believes in and values is his bank account.

                  2) Can we not bring politics into the sport and arts we all love? It's completely irrelevant. Nobody talks about the political affiliation of baseball players, managers, and owners; do they?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Penance
                    1) Who the fawk cares what Bill O'Reilly thinks?

                    He is the epitomy of schtick. He picks a topic and attacks the opposite side of what he professes to believe. He doesn't seek a reasonable discource, he just throws out ad hominum attacks and paints himself as some kind of self-righteous champion of morality and "right living." Why? Ratings and money. That's it. The only thing Bill O'Reilly believes in and values is his bank account.

                    2) Can we not bring politics into the sport and arts we all love? It's completely irrelevant. Nobody talks about the political affiliation of baseball players, managers, and owners; do they?
                    Americans have come to respect this type of non-dialogic, one sided chest puffing, ignorance laddled arguing style...and they like to side with the winning side. He is a propaganda tool....He's just as bad as fucking Georbbles.

                    And can bring politics into it when licensing is involved, and about the morality and ethics issues around legalizing or cracking down on steroids...politics will raise it's ugly motherfucking head.

                    Politics suck nuts. **** politicians, and **** the people stupid enough to associate themselves completely behind any one groupthink tank. Be yourself, **** da gov.
                    Liberals are the new conservatives, and conservatives are the new fascists...fascists are less ignoble now because at least they don't hide what they are.

                    NIHILISM. In the immortal words of Eric Cartman; "I don't care, I do what I want!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rev.jc
                      Card for UFC 62

                      Senator Mcain VS Bill O'reilly in a whos most likely a cross dressing soccer mom match,

                      Mcain is no Marine, Murtha is a Marine, I'd like to see both of those pencil neck geeks beaten with a rubber hose, why do we as americans allow white picket fence soccer moms to set our policy!

                      I am a minister belive me I see the worst of it I am becoming ashamed of the country I defended WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE LAND OF THE BRAVE!

                      well as my dad always say's he who can't do it is the first to critisize!
                      Money's on McCain...he made a bad call about combat sports...but for a conservative, he's pretty...dare I say
                      He's better than half those assholes at least, and at least a quarter of the democrats, who are just republicans in disguise.


                      • #12
                        The one thing that pisses me off more than anything in these kind of interviews is that the interviewer always interupts the interviewee when he/she's making a valid point. Just let the man speak damnit, that's why he's here. And then when the interviewee tries to interrupt the interviewer for a second because of a false fact the interviewer just ignores him.


                        • #13
                          Bill is the man you guys just aint in the right demographic to appreciate Bill's great contributions. So until you get you own show, no one cares what you think, cause bills the man.


                          • #14

                            Bill is a polesmokin Nazi jackass.

                            He complains about whats wrong with America and how filthy and degrading we are.

                            Then he gets busted being Beavis. Good job Billy boy go home toss back a few shots and watch some more Non- Ludacris Pepsi ads ya crackhead yankee Bitch

                            And I aint a big MMA fan btw


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Garland
                              Americans have come to respect this type of non-dialogic, one sided chest puffing, ignorance laddled arguing style...and they like to side with the winning side. He is a propaganda tool...."
                              Make that slightly less than 50% of Americans.

                              The other slightly less than 50% respect Michael Moore.

                              The % that remain just keep shaking their heads in amazement, biding their time until they can get the fawk off this sinking ship.

