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newest reason why Joe Rogan is a tool

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  • #31
    FYI not all "skinheads" are racists.

    Skinheads were actually a sub-culture of Jamaican ska, meets Brittish punk.

    today skins fall into a few categories

    the atypical neo-nazi skinhead (white pride or white power skins)
    the antifa (anti-facist) skinheads who beat the shit out of the racist skins.
    working class skins-anybody in the punk rock scene who sports a shaved head.

    saying all this might piss people off, but to prove my point, check out antifa skins...they are part of the anti-racist action organization...they call themselves skinheads, but in actuallity, beat the shit out of what we commonly categorize as "skins".

    I'm not a racist, I promise.
    I hate everyone pretty much equally (with emphasis on small children, elderly, the handicapped, and puppies)


    • #32
      Lol, Garland, you never fail to crack me up.


      • #33
        Originally posted by JkD187
        I could give two shits less...besides i typed like that too but i realized it made me look like a retarted fool so i i look at it and its so annoying.Considering i live in Queens i hear and see alot of that shit so when i come on the internet for an intellegent convo i expect to have one.....and by the way "dumbass" let me get your myspace too.

        Yo, I didn't mean the dubmass shit... I thought you was some lil rich dude tryin to be like, "speak intelligently", like I don't hear that shit enough lol.

        I also type that way, but I never talk like this... I guess it's just that I was taught to type/write this way.

        Hey man, vocab and dialect is not a reflection of intelligence.

        Do you really want my myspace? Or are you being sarcastic?


        • #34
          Originally posted by bigred389
          EXACTLY. Same goes for the Azn Azn crap. If you're gonna say it say Asian.

          Even white supremacist rednecks don't type "white pawa white pawa." You wanna look dumber than them?
          Yo, dumb ****... you're assuming his statement is an absolute. It may sound unintelligent to YOU, but I couldn't care less what you think.

          Azn is slang, get over it. Also, quit judging and putting your self on a pedestal.

          Naaa... see, I think anybody who's seriously into the white power or black power or latino power thing... yo, more power to you. But don't become a racist in the process... I chill with more minorities than whites... but that doesn't mean I'm ok with black racists either. I have friends on both sides of the racist spectrum, and can't stand when they talk that stupid shit. They all look dumb lol. You seriously hate white people? You're fuckin dumb. You seriously hate blacks? You fuckin dumb.


          • #35
            Originally posted by J-Luck
            Yo, I didn't mean the dubmass shit... I thought you was some lil rich dude tryin to be like, "speak intelligently", like I don't hear that shit enough lol.

            I also type that way, but I never talk like this... I guess it's just that I was taught to type/write this way.

            Hey man, vocab and dialect is not a reflection of intelligence.

            Do you really want my myspace? Or are you being sarcastic?
            I was serious.Here's mine


            • #36
              Originally posted by JkD187
              I was serious.Here's mine

              Myspace is down or something... I been tryin to get on for over an hour... I'm not sure if it's just my comp, or it's really down. As soon as it works I'll go visit your page and add you up. But yea, my bad with the dumbass shit, I didn't realise where you were comin from.


              • #37
                Originally posted by J-Luck
                Myspace is down or something... I been tryin to get on for over an hour... I'm not sure if it's just my comp, or it's really down. As soon as it works I'll go visit your page and add you up. But yea, my bad with the dumbass shit, I didn't realise where you were comin from.
                Yea i just realized its down as well...and its ok i seem to be getting called a dumbass alot lol.


                • #38
                  Ha! J-luck, i saw your Myspace! Lol, it's kickass!!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by J-Luck
                    Blah blah blah, I think I'm tough ass str33t but I'm just another dumbass, blah blah blah.
                    Sorry, you're still coming across as a total tool.


                    • #40
                      Not to hijack this thread but Bas completely whopped fucking ass stopping warpath with brutal leg kicks about 3:28 of the first round.


                      • #41
                        I think Warpath was payed(bribed) to tapout like he did.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bigred389
                          Sorry, you're still coming across as a total tool.
                          RIIIIGHT!!!! Not being afraid to use the slang that I speak with, or being afraid to say being a racist is stupid... that's what makes a tool(idk what the **** that means, but judging the context... it's something like an idiot, a front, or some shit like that).

                          By the way, you're obviously wrong, seeing as to how no one here has agreed with you or even said anything to badmouth me. Try again...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                            Ha! J-luck, i saw your Myspace! Lol, it's kickass!!!
                            Thanks... how'd you find it? Also... what's yours?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by J-Luck
                              Thanks... how'd you find it? Also... what's yours?
                              I looked on Garland's Myspace.....Dude, that's almost exactly how i envisioned you, lol.................i dont have one though.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                                I looked on Garland's Myspace.....Dude, that's almost exactly how i envisioned you, lol.................i dont have one though.
                                Lol how'd you envision me like that exactly?

