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Escaping the Neck Crank

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  • Escaping the Neck Crank

    Hey All,

    I'm looking for a link or advice on how to escape a neck crank please ?

    In the worse case scenario how do I escape when I'm in the guard and being cranked from below, normally where my opponent is larger than me ? I'm looking/hoping for something clever and cunning to perhaps do with my hands to break the hold ?

    Also, is there perhaps something positional I should be watching for ?

    Everyone's help and patience is appreciated.


    Apologies if this has already been discussed, I did do a search too.

  • #2
    there isnt really any clever move or escape. the best thing to do is keep good posture in the guard and not let the guy on bottom pull you down. tuck your elbows in their thighs and put your hands on their hips and dont let them pull you down at all costs. one they pull you down they can start slapping on different chokes and whatnot.


    • #3
      As they start to crank, open your guard, trap their arm & spin the hips for the armbar. I think there may have been a couple of extra nuances to the move, but most of the guys I train with don't use it so I've not had much chance to practice it.

      (update - it's not a neck crank (can opener) - it's a guillotine, guillotine escape below...)


      • #4
        I just push my head into their chest while i reach around their midsection and pull my head in, then they no longer have any leverage to pull my neck towards them. thats the key, dont pull your head away, move it into them, works for me, but Im tall. try it


        • #5
          You can use both hands to stiff arm their face or under their chin.

          Another option is to put your hands on the floor and scoot your hips away from opp. trying to sit up.

          Better to prevent it by pummelling your hands to the inside, just like a thai clinch.


          • #6
            Haha sapateiro he wanted it from the top when he's getting guillotined I imagine.

            One thats worked for me with some sucess.

            First just put your head into the floor, dont try to pull away, and pop up on your toes, this relieves pressure and gives you time to escape.

            This works if they are choking you or just cranking you.

            If you can reach, you can throw your shoulder intotheir face and push down, its far less fun for them than it is for you, and they should let go.


            • #7
              Aaaah - you mean the guillotine from inside the guard - Doh!

              Lets say they've guillotined you with their right arm. You

              1. Use your left hand to take the pressure off your neck by pulling down on his wrist.

              2. Put your right arm over their shoulder & hug his back (this reduces the opponents leverage).

              3. Pop up onto your toes & drive your right shoulder into their neck. They now have no leverage to apply the choke.

              4. Turn your head to the left & use your left hand to open the choke.

              5. Pop up & regain posture.

              Learnt this one about 4 years ago & haven't been successfully guillotined since


              • #8

                Saulo Ribeiro


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone for their help, it's much appreciated.

                  I'll work on practicing the techniques suggested and I'll let you know how it works out.



                  • #10
                    I put my head into his chest and tuck it in so he can't get around the neck even so much as to crank, let alone choke.


                    • #11
                      Sometimes, if the person on the bottom is much stronger than me (i.e. most - actually probably ALL of the people I train with), and they're intent on just breaking my posture (but not guillotining me), I try this one.

                      I put my left elbow on the ground next to their left ear (beware the arm triangle here!) and my right hand blocks their left hip. Then I come up on my toes, so I'm a pyramid between elbow and my two legs, and I slowly edge my feet clockwise, while leaving my elbow blocking their head and preventing them from spinning away.

                      Make sure your hips stay parallel to the floor (I make sure by going 1. tiny step left with left foot, 2. tiny step left with right foot, 3. make sure hips are parallel, 4. repeat) or else your opponent might be able to take your back.

                      This technique works best against strong guys who aren't confident with arm triangle/taking the back, obviously. Which is most beginners. Which is who generally tries to just break your posture when you're in their guard, because when they get more advanced, they're more interested in going for submissions/reversals rather than just frantically not-letting-go-of-the-guard.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Juicefree
                        Hey All,

                        I'm looking for a link or advice on how to escape a neck crank please ?
                        ask abe lincoln


                        • #13
                          Garland, you are no help at all!

