I was just wondering if some of you would like to present some history on your particular style of martial arts or any martial arts info for that matter.
After reading through a number of threads I can tell there are some folks who could really use the additional information. That is not meant as a slam to anyone, just that if folks no a little extra about how things started and where they come from, they can usually get a better grasp of current situations, styles, events in their field.
If everyone here is a martial artist or a fan of martial arts it should give them some insight into where a lot of the more sensible and intelligent comments come from.
One thing I noted is that reading many of these threads you would think mixed martial arts styles have only been around for a decade or two.
Elsewhere some of the self proclaimed experts would have you believe their particular style of fighting is where almost every great move started.
I am not an expert on every martial art, but some of you probably have some good info that can be passed on.
Let's even go so far as to look at some of the stuff that has little documentation, but has some obvious clues.
Ancient history.
Stand up striking probably came about early on in human existance but calculated controlled tactics were probably very slim. It is more likely that tackling/grappling methods of fighting started to show form earlier and from there the original ground and pound.
Why? It was about dominance and there are few better demonstrations of dominance than pinning an opponent to the ground and having them at your complete mercy.
Furthermore at the very onset of documented history we see writings and art about wrestling. Though there are some references to stand-up striking, they pale in comparisson to the grappling game.
So how about it. Anyone out there have some history of their style or martial arts in general? I for one would like to hear more on this subject from the people who practice it instead of a book at the library.
Your own opinions on why certain tactics would be developed would be insightful as well.
After reading through a number of threads I can tell there are some folks who could really use the additional information. That is not meant as a slam to anyone, just that if folks no a little extra about how things started and where they come from, they can usually get a better grasp of current situations, styles, events in their field.
If everyone here is a martial artist or a fan of martial arts it should give them some insight into where a lot of the more sensible and intelligent comments come from.
One thing I noted is that reading many of these threads you would think mixed martial arts styles have only been around for a decade or two.
Elsewhere some of the self proclaimed experts would have you believe their particular style of fighting is where almost every great move started.
I am not an expert on every martial art, but some of you probably have some good info that can be passed on.
Let's even go so far as to look at some of the stuff that has little documentation, but has some obvious clues.
Ancient history.
Stand up striking probably came about early on in human existance but calculated controlled tactics were probably very slim. It is more likely that tackling/grappling methods of fighting started to show form earlier and from there the original ground and pound.
Why? It was about dominance and there are few better demonstrations of dominance than pinning an opponent to the ground and having them at your complete mercy.
Furthermore at the very onset of documented history we see writings and art about wrestling. Though there are some references to stand-up striking, they pale in comparisson to the grappling game.
So how about it. Anyone out there have some history of their style or martial arts in general? I for one would like to hear more on this subject from the people who practice it instead of a book at the library.
Your own opinions on why certain tactics would be developed would be insightful as well.