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Sakuaba -vs- Smirnovas

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  • Sakuaba -vs- Smirnovas

    If you havent seen this fight you better watch it now. It's very... exciting...

  • #2
    That was pretty entertaining !


    • #3
      it shoulda been stopped early, Sak got bailed out like the Jap refs do for thier own, like Frank Shamrock when he got dicked


      • #4
        Well, he looked pretty meaty with those punches, but he pulls them off so well sometimes. Saku's crazy swings are pretty well timed and aimed, even though he looks sloppy as all hell. This fight is one of the reasons I pray to Sakuraba before I sleep at night, he can be unconcious and still win somehow, and by strait armbar of course. Saku all the way.


        • #5
          Questionable reffing.

          I love Sak, but come on...anyone else and the ref would have stopped it.

          I can understand letting the action continue, but there was no reason to reposition them.


          • #6
            He was under the ropes. That is why they repositioned them.


            • #7
              Yeah I have to say that I think it should've been stopped but none the less, an amazing comeback....


              • #8
                One of the worst fights I've ever seen...
                And yes sak should have lost


                • #9
                  Yeah, out of the ropes, you're coming back in. Rules are rules.

                  If Sak was really that close to being KTFO, Smirnovas should have had an easy time picking up the win, even after repositioning.
                  Even when they got stood back up, you could see Sak suffering the aftereffects quite a bit. Smirnovas should have been more aggressive to clinch the deal. It ain't over till it's over.

                  And everybody "knows" Japanese refereeing can be slightly questionable in a Japanese vs foreigner don't let up till you've clinched it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bigred389 View Post
                    If Sak was really that close to being KTFO, Smirnovas should have had an easy time picking up the win, even after repositioning.
                    Even when they got stood back up, you could see Sak suffering the aftereffects quite a bit. Smirnovas should have been more aggressive to clinch the deal. It ain't over till it's over.

                    Thats exactly why I said it was the worst fight ever. He still should have won but he was so slow with his actions, and why on earth did he go on the defensive when they stood up again, we could clearly see sak was dazed and his actions were so damn slow at first, he threw it away basically. I just didn't like the whole fight because of its slow pace.


                    • #11
                      Yeah Saku! Juji Gatame!

