Are my hopes of wrestling for free lost?
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my high school doesn't offer a wreslting program.
Practice with your college wrestling team then. Look up the wrestling clubs in your city and theyll have a freestyle/greco program. The summer wrestling season is pretty much over now though. If you had started in the spring you could have competed in a lot of freestyle and greco tourneys.
For the folkstyle season, you pretty much have to be on a HS team. But if you really want to do it, call up a University or college and ask when the wrestling team practices. Theyll let you practise there but you wont get any matches.
If youre really baddass, start a wrestling/grappling club at your school.
at my high school there was no wrestling, but a wrestler came to our school and he just practiced with another school and wrestled for them. its just like if you're school doesn't have a certain course, you can get a district exemption to move schools within the area to take that course (or wrestling in this case) good luck.
Yes, Folkstyle or Collegiate wrestling has a different point scoring system than Freestyle and Greco.
Folkstyle doesnt emphasive throws or slams(cause its dangerous for students). There's a rule that your knee must touch the mat before you put your opponent down, hard. Folkstyle also doesnt allow the top guy to lock his arms around the waist of bottom guy(when grounded). And you score back points for turning your opponent to his shoulder(s). And a pin(which is a WIN) has to be held for 2 seconds. All this emphasives CONTROL over your opponent.
In FS and Greco, you get alot of points for throwing your opponent. And when grounded, there is no back points rule, but there's a rule where you can role your opp. over to get more points.(like a gator roll, or a gut wrench). Get this, in Freestlyle and Greco, a PIN is scored immediatly when your opponent is held on his back.
Difference between FS and Greco:
In Greco, you cannot use your legs to control or takedown/throw your opponent, and you cannot attack your opponents legs too. This makes Greco much more distinctive than Freestyle and Folkstyle
Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View PostPractice with your college wrestling team then. .
That's probably not really practical.
Trying to find a nearby HS program to workout with is the best bet.
Take a look at local private schools. They may have a program if your public school doesn't.