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Cung Le's second MMA fight!
Nice fight!
Cung was under more pressure compared to his last fight against Altman. His boxing game looks sharper; his clinch work looked good as did his side kicks & spinning back kicks. Takedown was good; ground game was so-so.
Cung's heart and conditioning were awesome! I bet Altman helped him work in his boxing skills - cause I've never seen him land so well.
Good stuffIt's great to see Cung Le pursuing MMA, especially becuase it's so rare to see side kicks and spinning side kicks being used effectively in a NHB environment. He seemed to be fighting cautiously; he wasn't looking for take downs. That makes sense though, since his ground game is obviously his weak spot. When he did take the guy down he looked dominant in the side mount but quickly wound up in his guard so he was probably wise to keep it a stand up fight. If he works on rounding out his skills he could turn out to be a very successful and fun to watch MMA fighter.
Not bad at all. Some impressive kicks, effective use of the spinning back kick is not easy to pull off, however, his opponent did look weak.
He did have good consolidated side-mount and lost it without too much contestation so I would say his ground game still needs a little work, but the take down was clean and powerful. Overall he looked like a good competitor...
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostCung's heart and conditioning were awesome! I bet Altman helped him work in his boxing skills - cause I've never seen him land so well.
and yeah, its time to give him a real opponent.
btw, i saw duane ludwig training at AKA the other day. all the fighters feared his standup.