in preview mark lehman a grappeling (bjj) "expert" pisses off matt sera by making fun of some fighter for tapping in an arm bar, I don't know if he's refering to a guy in training or at an event. What do you guy think about guy who grapple but don't fight mma or any non-full contact fighter martial artist talking shit about full contact fghters.I'm with Sera this guy doesn't even fight and he's talking shit! comments please
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S*^& talking by non-fighters by fighters via TUF
Marc Laimon (that is correct spelling) is a "trainer", he has trained some fairly big name fighter, Joe Stevenson, Mark Coleman, Kevin Randleman. If I am correct (am please someone correct me if I am not) he made a name for himself beating Ryron Gracie at grapplers-quest in '04. Since then he has been living off coaching and he owns the "Cobra-Kai" Gym is Vegas.
With the exception of the Ryron fight, I don't know of anyone else he has fought. His school consistently places well in big tournaments and he obviously knows his way around the mat. However, if he is not putting on the gloves and backing his... (insert your choice word here)... then he doesn't need to be talking trash about anyone who is. If he wants to talk, he can put in the mouth piece, strap on the gloves and do it in the Octagon or Ring... otherwise I believe he belongs Coaching his students and not talking trash.... Matt Sera has every right to be upset with the way the guy was acting.
Originally posted by grappler-jordan View PostMarc Laimon (that is correct spelling) is a "trainer", he has trained some fairly big name fighter, Joe Stevenson, Mark Coleman, Kevin Randleman. If I am correct (am please someone correct me if I am not) he made a name for himself beating Ryron Gracie at grapplers-quest in '04. Since then he has been living off coaching and he owns the "Cobra-Kai" Gym is Vegas.
With the exception of the Ryron fight, I don't know of anyone else he has fought. His school consistently places well in big tournaments and he obviously knows his way around the mat. However, if he is not putting on the gloves and backing his... (insert your choice word here)... then he doesn't need to be talking trash about anyone who is. If he wants to talk, he can put in the mouth piece, strap on the gloves and do it in the Octagon or Ring... otherwise I believe he belongs Coaching his students and not talking trash.... Matt Sera has every right to be upset with the way the guy was acting.
Originally posted by grappler-jordan View PostIf I am correct (am please someone correct me if I am not) he made a name for himself beating Ryron Gracie at grapplers-quest in '04. Since then he has been living off coaching and he owns the "Cobra-Kai" Gym is Vegas.
As for not tapping to an armbar - that's ridiculous unless there's a huge amount at stake, like the world title shot for Jacare v. Roger Gracie @ the mundials (even then I'd be playing dem bongos)
I train under Matt Serra... he is a very mellow, humble guy. I can't wait to see what got him all fired up!
As for the topic.. (I'm not an MMA fighter) but I certainly don't agree with anyone talking trash when they themselves haven't been placed in the given situation.
Tapping out in an armbar is something that we must learn from not make fun off... I dont see anything bad tapping out in an armbar because in the future you will now know how to escape this once you were caught with it... Now about the comment that he makes fun of guys tapping out in an armbar, Maybe that's his hobby... I dont know him personally but I know that he is good in BJJ...
Mark's a grappling guy. If he was talking sh*t about some guys striking ability or lack of ability then he would be out of line; however, criticizing the guy's grappling is well within his rights.
He's a trainer and since when was it required that trainers also be fighters? Was Angelo Dundee ever a fighter? Hmmm . . .
You can have knowledge of the fight game (or parts of the game), passion, and the ability to convey that knowledge in an effective manner without competing in the fight game.
BTW Frank Mir left LVCC and now trains with Laimon.
Originally posted by DJColdfusion View PostBTW Frank Mir left LVCC and now trains with Laimon.
I had heard that... and I have heard he is a good trainer, and I am sure he knows his BJJ, that I am not arguing. But making fun of someone who IS training for a fight and getting in there mixing it up in the Octagon. I just think that is out of line.
I didn't say he can't be a good trainer because he doesn't fight, I just think if he isn't going to fight he doesn't need to have the attitude that he had... I have tried not to judge people based on heresay but I have consistently heard from people that have worked with or trained with Marc that this type of behavior is the norm. I just don't think that a good trainer should act like that....
However, I don't know him personally and he could be a nice humble guy and a great coach. Who knows... We will see what the real situation was Thursday evening...
Trainers have the right to critisize another fighters technical ability but that's about as far as it should go....unless that trainer is a fighter himself and is undeniably better than the person they're critisizing. Anybody who steps into the ring (no matter what its shape) for full-contact competition or any level deserves respect. It's not an easy thing to do.
Originally posted by WildWest. View PostTrainers have the right to critisize another fighters technical ability but that's about as far as it should go....unless that trainer is a fighter himself and is undeniably better than the person they're critisizing. Anybody who steps into the ring (no matter what its shape) for full-contact competition or any level deserves respect. It's not an easy thing to do.
Perhaps Laimon lacked tact but his criticism of a fighter's technique is exactly what he is supposed to do. Hell, I criticized the guard passing ability (toreanda/bullfighter's pass) of a couple of UFC fighters when I was teaching passes a couple of weeks ago.
Am I a fighter? No. But was I right? Oh HELL yes.
There are so many guys who are getting by on incredible athleticism and think that it is the only thing they need. There are guys in the UFC right now, not the champions, who don't think they have anything else to learn, who don't think that there is anything else for them TO learn and that is just ridiculous.
Fighters fight, trainers train, and its the trainers job to criticize poor technique even if he is just pointing it out to someone and not trying to correct it directly with the fighter. Fighters need to recognize the triggers that open opportunities for defense and counter-offense. And they need to learn to recognize those triggers both visually and physically from an offensive and defensive standpoint. If Laimon was just some dumba$$ talking sh*t then I'd back you up, but the guy has the pedigree and he is already considered one of the best BJJ for MMA trainers out there. You can criticize his methods but you can't criticize the act itself.
I believe it is the method I am critical of... I do criticize my students as well. That's part of the learning process, but if I catch one of them in a triangle, I don't make fun of them for tapping... that is what seemed to be the situation. Don't get me wrong attention to FINE detail and being able to critique is a valued skill in a trainer, but doing it with humbleness and tact is just as important. Talking trash is not the way to go about it...
Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Postin preview mark lehman a grappeling (bjj) "expert" pisses off matt sera by making fun of some fighter for tapping in an arm bar, I don't know if he's refering to a guy in training or at an event. What do you guy think about guy who grapple but don't fight mma or any non-full contact fighter martial artist talking shit about full contact fghters.I'm with Sera this guy doesn't even fight and he's talking shit! comments please
thats the norm around here, so as far as the census goes, its fine and dandy. But for that idiot to do it in front of matt serra and those other BJJ black belts, is a stupid thing to do. The idiot even said Rickson's amazing ground game "is all hearsay". Yeah ok dude, 20 years undefeated in the world BJJ tournaments is all a fluke. what a fucking moron