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lack off sparring in mma the dirty little secret

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  • lack off sparring in mma the dirty little secret

    I watched a thing about huges boxing/kick boxing training a while back and he said you can tell the difference between guys who spar and guys who just hit pads, this made me say wtf there are guys in mma who don't spar in at least boxing/kickboxing much less do ground sparring(which they need to do) asnd actualy fight. The last time I did mma was 2002 and the only ground sparing that was done was bare knuckle that was extremely light for safety reason this approch is still quite common in mma schools. Now I under stand why you cn't have someone mountingyou and banging away wity 2 ounce mma gloves but doing what huges did on tuf via doing groud sparring with 16 oz or better sparring gloves in a controled manner seems to be invaluable at preparing you to survive getting hit on the ground. Banging away in stand up mode is not enough prep imho. Now there's mma gloves that are the equivelant of 16 oz boxing gloves with respect to protection so why isn't everyone who fights mma doing ground sparring in a realistic mannner in the year 2006 wtf much leesss not even doing stand up sparring WTF!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    point fighting is gay but......

    is still gets people into full-contact fighting because once ma guys realize how gay it is the come over to the f.c. world unless they are fruity
    here's a cool idea though let all black belts point fight using the same quick draw i.e. point then stop, point then stop, point then stop format but let all blackbelts do it full contact and you'll see some funny one shot ko's, all face cages of any kind must be banned for obvious reasons. I'd love to see this and do this as well LOL one strike one ko LOL it will never happen at karate tourneys because of insurance (thanks tkd people for koing point fighters and wrecking it for everyone LOL) this is a good idea because all the tourneys a year would give all fc fighters like at least one chance a mounth to
    ko someone in between better kinds of ring combat events


    • #3

      this was meant to be 2 differnt threads brain damage smain damage
      btw I was sentenced for my dwi on july 19rd and am in legal hell right now if anyone want to know the result just ask


      • #4
        Sorry to hear about the DWI, sucks man. About the sparring, I agree that if you aren't getting in there and working against good sparring partners, you aren't getting better. To me that's just cold hard fact. Your only as good as your training partners... If you are not really sparring, not really working the ground game, when you get in the ring... you will do the same thing. Just my opinion, but I see the difference in the fighters who do, and do not spar in their training...


        • #5
          Your points are all spot on.

          If you don't spar you will be unable to use the vast majority of your technique's. Kata-esque/shadow-boxing training is all well and good but without actually feeling the movement of an opponent and working with an unpredictable response you are maybe only learning 1/4 of the technique, if that !

          I find it hard to believe however that people actually compete without sparring ?

          The long and short of it is though that if you don't spar, what's the point of doing a martial art ? It's like practicing tennis shots without playing a game ! You may as well take up dancing


          • #6
            Originally posted by Juicefree View Post
            The long and short of it is though that if you don't spar, what's the point of doing a martial art ? It's like practicing tennis shots without playing a game ! You may as well take up dancing
            LOL, nice.. I like that, gonna pass that one on...


            • #7
              I believe it

              I can believe it. I’ve known some MMA competitors who hardly train at all for fights. They train sporadically and then just rely on their experience. The norm I see, however is gross over training. I see people so obsessed with their upcoming fight that they train way too much and break themselves down. They don’t recover, they get weak and fatigued. You have to strike a good balance. Train productively. Rest.

              As far as sparring goes, it’s absolutely essential to martial arts. It can be over done. It can be dangerous if you train with the wrong people. But it can also be the most productive training.


              • #8
                you've really got to get the balance right between learning how to fight in a real fight and not hurting the people you're training. I think that first contact sparring is best - as soon as one person gets a "clean hit" they get a point and you stop and then start again.

