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Drills for Grappling!

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  • Drills for Grappling!

    I don't have as much time with other grapplers as I would like, and though I stretch and do my calisthenic work daily, I'd like to relate it to grappling more directly.

    Does anyone have any good drills or exercises that really relate to grappling?


  • #2
    I'm probably too new to really suggest anything useful to you...

    But I do practice the Elbow Escape and Bridge & Roll. Both are also done as warm-ups prior to each class I attend.


    • #3
      If you are working out by yourself you can do a few of these. They will build your conditioning and help give you "explosiveness". If you are working out with a friend then let me know and I will give you some other ones.

      Floor Bag Drill -
      Do 3 rounds of 5 minutes (or less depending on level)
      1. right knee mount on the floor heavy bag
      2. Right hand hit
      3. Left hand hit
      4. Right hand hit
      5. Post with both hands on heavy bag and vault (jump) over to the left of bag
      6. Land with your left knee (hitting) on the bag
      7. Left hand hit
      8. Right hand hit
      9. Left hand hit. (repeat the whole drill until round is done)

      Floor Bag Drill #2
      Posting-spinning around bag from same mount)
      1. start with left knee mount on bag
      2. left punch
      3. right punch
      4. left punch
      5. spin around head of bag (keep both hands on bag)
      6. Can also hop arpund bag
      7. land with your right knee on the bag
      8. right punch
      9. left punch
      10. right punch (again repeat for entire round)

      You can also do some neck conditioning drills that will strengthen your neck
      Practice the Bridge
      1).start on your back and lift your body up off the floor as high as you can, the only part of your body on the floor is your feet and your head.

      2).starting face down position with your forehead touching the ground and both legs spread out, lift your hands off the ground, roll forward,to the left and to the right.
      Again if you have a partner I have some other ones I can send you


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tim McFatridge View Post
          If you are working out by yourself you can do a few of these. They will build your conditioning and help give you "explosiveness". If you are working out with a friend then let me know and I will give you some other ones.

          Floor Bag Drill -
          Do 3 rounds of 5 minutes (or less depending on level)
          1. right knee mount on the floor heavy bag
          2. Right hand hit
          3. Left hand hit
          4. Right hand hit
          5. Post with both hands on heavy bag and vault (jump) over to the left of bag
          6. Land with your left knee (hitting) on the bag
          7. Left hand hit
          8. Right hand hit
          9. Left hand hit. (repeat the whole drill until round is done)

          Floor Bag Drill #2
          Posting-spinning around bag from same mount)
          1. start with left knee mount on bag
          2. left punch
          3. right punch
          4. left punch
          5. spin around head of bag (keep both hands on bag)
          6. Can also hop arpund bag
          7. land with your right knee on the bag
          8. right punch
          9. left punch
          10. right punch (again repeat for entire round)

          You can also do some neck conditioning drills that will strengthen your neck
          Practice the Bridge
          1).start on your back and lift your body up off the floor as high as you can, the only part of your body on the floor is your feet and your head.

          2).starting face down position with your forehead touching the ground and both legs spread out, lift your hands off the ground, roll forward,to the left and to the right.
          Again if you have a partner I have some other ones I can send you
          he he he I see some else has beeen reading Larry Hartsells book I've got a bag drill routine taped to da wall of me home gym


          • #6
            I'm not really an MMA guy but it is a good idea to work with a bag.


            Anything else you guys do for solo grappling training besides calisthenics and weights?


            • #7
              This is an excellent DVD if you can get hold of it:


              • #8
                Front roll then sprawl, run backwards then sprawl. Use your imagination with sprawling, imagine yourself in different positions and do it. Also you can do headstands then switch your hips to each side.
                Do the snake where move both your arms and legs are off the ground and you keep moving your waist to the side while moving your arms and legs to help create momentum.

