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your favorite takedowns you learned in bjj

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  • your favorite takedowns you learned in bjj

    I really like the double-leg takedown because it has the highest chance of success. The single-leg is also nice but it is sometimes harder to takedown people with high amounts of balance and flexibility. Also the one when you clinch the guy and put ur leg behind his leg is also very nice.

    I dislike judo throws because you have to get like right next to them, also it is somewhat slower.

  • #2
    If you learned your takedowns in BJJ, don't feel overconfident about them...


    • #3
      Favorite has nothing to do with most effective, and "most effective" is relative to many things (is there striking, what surface are you landing on, is this self defence, is this a BJJ tourney, a submission grappling competition?)

      Tani Otoshi. That would be my favorite.


      • #4
        jubaji then where would u recommend learning quick effective high percentage takedowns


        • #5
          Originally posted by keepitsimple View Post
          jubaji then where would u recommend learning quick effective high percentage takedowns
          You learn anything best among those who do it the best (and the most often), but if "quick" is one of your goals, you might end up sacrificing something else...


          • #6
            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
            If you learned your takedowns in BJJ, don't feel overconfident about them...
            yeah theres so much mystery to how to shoot in and take down someone with single and double legs, trips and throws. Guess we should all lace on the funny queer looking ear cover thingys and slide into the nut hugging strong man in the circus tights and learn how to really take people down. After all, none of MMA champs learned takedowns in BJJ, so why would we? lol, what a tool. again, shows his idiocy and lack of balls


            • #7
              The basics for takedowns are the same for any grappling art. The takedowns in BJJ are solid. However they are better in other arts like wrestling. This is because that is all wrestlers do ( not sub wrestling). It is like if you really want to learn how to box then take boxing.

              If your goal is to fight in MMA then I would do both wrestling and BJJ. If you are only in BJJ then BJJ takdowns are good enough.

              In the street you would not really want to go to the ground. If you had to then aganist your average street fighter a BJJ guy can take him down.

              I do both wrestling and BJJ. What I notice is that about two years of highschool wrestling is = to a BJJ balckbelt's takedown skills. Just like a blue belt in BJJ is = to a Judo blackbelt's submission skills. These are only estimations of what I noticed. It depends a lot on your school and instructor as well.

              The single leg is my favorite takedown.


              • #8
                Although i didnt learn these takedowns in BJJ, my favorite are... Hip-throws and its variations using your leg, Laterals, and suplexes from a front headlock. The Double leg(and its variations) is great too, but i prefer not to shoot from a distance or from a tie up. I usually only shoot a double when i snap someone's head down using both hands(like thai clinch kind of). Most of the time when you do that, they shoot on you, but since i know theyre gonna shoot i sprawl at the right time, catching them in a front headlock, then getting their back, after partially strangling them and stalling for a while. Its been working out pretty well, against heavier guys, cause its not like i can throw them.


                • #9
                  AsHtAng05's brother?

                  Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
                  yeah theres so much mystery to how to shoot in and take down someone with single and double legs, trips and throws. Guess we should all lace on the funny queer looking ear cover thingys and slide into the nut hugging strong man in the circus tights and learn how to really take people down. After all, none of MMA champs learned takedowns in BJJ, so why would we? lol, what a tool. again, shows his idiocy and lack of balls
                  here we go again...


                  • #10
                    O uchi, ko uchi, de ashi, or o goshi....................or Kubi nagi, damn, I like a lot!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                      O uchi, ko uchi, de ashi, or o goshi....................or Kubi nagi, damn, I like a lot!!!!
                      WTF is that? Next time use English please.


                      • #12
                        Triangle - go to and find out for yourself: an animated gif is worth a thousand words.

                        I like ankle picks - about the only takedown I can pull off against the judo black belts I train with (I get the odd double or single leg, but one of our instructors is a former Olympic Greco-Roman guy - judoka at our club learn how to sprawl ). Against lower-ranks I like osotogari, ouchigari, and kouchigari (tackle and staple-gun variations).

                        Note: I learnt these in BJJ, but have been developing them in Judo tachiwaza randori.


                        • #13
                          My favorite takedown is guard pulling

                          Na na na na, seriously, my fav takedown is probably the leg reap. Doesn't take too much energy and if it fails, you're not in a bad position.


                          • #14
                            Leg reap into double leg takedown. Ankle picks are nice if it's grappling only.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                              WTF is that? Next time use English please.
                              heres the translations:

                              Select the following Judo throws (nagewaza) to see a 3-step drawing of how to do the technique. In each case the person being thrown (uke) is wearing the darker

