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capoeira master

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  • capoeira master

    check out this clip of a capoeira master. this baby took me 3 solid days just to edit. mestre espirro is 43, he has been doing capoeira since his teens. it is generally agreed he is up among the best capoeiristas in the world... he can see you and kick you no matter what position he's in.... what do you think of this?


  • #2
    That was a good video. The guy got some skills. I always loved capoeria. I do not think it is real good for fighting though. I understand that the guy can do some damage but I don't think he will win against a good fighter who does some of the other martial arts out there like Muay Thai, or even something tradional like Kenpo. He can kick a TKD guys ass for sure.


    • #3
      Is this a martial arts forum ?

      Looking at his kicking form I would imagine it wouldn't matter if he could kick you from any position.

      That being said apparently break dancing is making a come back so his dancing future is looking bright.


      • #4
        thanks for your comments big boy. I agree capoeira alone is unlikely to win against a trained fighter especially one who can grapple. the training is extremely tough, u get fast and can do all kinds of things plus a lot of its power lies in suprise.. so it would certainly put u in good stead against a common street assailant (and think of multiple assailants - capoeira's odd way of moving could be very useful)

        in brazil MMA, called Vale Tudo there is a Mestre Hulk who uses it alongside other arts, beleive me some capoeira kicks are EXTREMELY powerful. there are some vids around the net of people getting knocked out in capoeira.
        Last edited by capoeirascience; 09-06-2006, 07:36 AM. Reason: angry retort modifed to enlightened reply /smilie removed


        • #5
          Is there also a full contact competition in this art.. I would like to see some fights..

          The matches in this video are more likely for the fighters to show their individual skills then knocking the opponent out.


          • #6
            Although it serves as interesting eye candy, I find it hard to see the practicality in the techniques themselves. With no attempt to be close minded, these moves seem very high risk, and would potentially put you in a very bad position is performed incorrectly, blocked or missed. I cannot see how it would fit into a street effective combative or into a Vale Tudo fighters strategy...

            I have never practiced capoiera so I can only pass judgement based on what I have seen (which I normally try to avoid doing). I simply would not be able to justify even attempting some of the moves in a real fight, I want to inflict as much damage to my opponent with as little risk to myself as possible.


            • #7
              heres a couple of violent capoeira clips for you in response to
              Originally posted by grappler-jordan View Post
              Although it serves as interesting eye candy, I find it hard to see the practicality in the techniques themselves. [...] I want to inflict as much damage to my opponent with as little risk to myself as possible.
              quite right, no handspins in vale tudo... capoeira is a martial art but also a game and one plays for fun, expression a host of reasons but not necessarily for distinct victory. It is a dance but there is a dynamic, ever shifting tension between co-operation to make things beautiful and opposition to make the game exciting. Good capoeira fluctuates between these opposing poles. Bad capoeira is either two people doing fantastic acrobatic solos not interacting or the opposite of too much fighting that gets ugly and is better placed in a ring.

              Knockout blow in the roda. High level capoeiristas can play at this level if they wish. I know the kicker, he is very good but not be messed with.
              capoeira knockout

              Full contact capoeira tournament of the type yet to be seen outside of Brazil. Our group CDO has no such tournaments, they are quite controversial within the capoeira community.
              muzenza tournament

              The majority of capoeira and especially that outside of Brazil is less violent. There is another style of Capoeira, Capoeira Angola. It is trickier and less showy it really looks completely different. I'm just showing you this stuff cos u asked!


              • #8
                Cool stuff!

                Thanks for posting those clips. It was especially interesting to see the full contact match. I had a chance to visit my friend's Capoeira class a couple of weeks ago and I got to see a very cool demostration while I was there. Based on what I saw as well as my friend's attitude a lot of it isn't meant for fighting at all. What they were doing was not the most efficient way to learn to fight but it wasn't meant to be, it was meant to be a (very athletic and demanding) dance that incorporated some martial concepts. I think if you're analyzing Capoeira strictly as a fighting system you're misunderstanding the bulk of what they're doing. Of course, this forum is dedicated specifically to grappling/MMA so it's natural for us to look at the topics here from the perspective of what will work in an MMA or BJJ match.


                • #9
                  Interesting style, but I think you have to be pretty athletic to even start learning Capoeira! This is even tougher than some of those acrobatic Wushu styles and advanced TKD techniques.


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE=ZeroAquaduct;235905]Interesting style, but I think you have to be pretty athletic to even start learning Capoeira! [QUOTE]

                    ahh my friend you are so wrong! the martial arts are a journey and one starts with nothing. remember - mestre espirro mirim has been training for more than 20 years, after 2 or 3 years of training capoeira reguarly you would be beginning to get very atheletic but at the beginning you could have legs like a stick insect, a big fat belly, the coordination of a 2 year old and be stiff as a board. that was me!

                    why set yourself such limits!? what style do you train at the moment?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by capoeirascience View Post
                      ahh my friend you are so wrong! the martial arts are a journey and one starts with nothing. remember - mestre espirro mirim has been training for more than 20 years, after 2 or 3 years of training capoeira reguarly you would be beginning to get very atheletic but at the beginning you could have legs like a stick insect, a big fat belly, the coordination of a 2 year old and be stiff as a board. that was me!

                      why set yourself such limits!? what style do you train at the moment?
                      I just started to train in Muay Thai about 1-2 months ago. Muay Thai is tough as well, but for an overweight guy like me, it's easier to train in Muay Thai compared to martial arts like BJJ, Capoeira, or Wushu.

                      When I was looking for a martial art a few months ago, I actually took a look at Capoeira, but I decided to go for Muay Thai instead. Capoeira is available at my old university's recreation centre:


                      • #12
                        nice one. i love muay thai actually. i recently went to thailand and spent one week in a camp getting up at 6 training for 3 hours, then resting before another 2/3 hours in the late afternoon. my idea of paradise! i got a much better side-kick and my feet swelled up like melons from the bag (in years of capoeira i have seldom hit anything). i went to see a match with my trainer, the thai people in the camp there were so lovely I found the experience so much more rewarding than doing normal touristy things.

                        Thai boxing rocks in my opinion. have u seen Tom Yung Goong?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by capoeirascience View Post
                          nice one. i love muay thai actually. i recently went to thailand and spent one week in a camp getting up at 6 training for 3 hours, then resting before another 2/3 hours in the late afternoon. my idea of paradise! i got a much better side-kick and my feet swelled up like melons from the bag (in years of capoeira i have seldom hit anything). i went to see a match with my trainer, the thai people in the camp there were so lovely I found the experience so much more rewarding than doing normal touristy things.

                          Thai boxing rocks in my opinion. have u seen Tom Yung Goong?
                          there is something very pure about muay thai inmop. it is very straight foreward and to the point. its awesome.

