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Kosen Judo Clip

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  • Kosen Judo Clip

    Here's a clip of Kosen style Judo I found. Some may know that this is the style taught to the Gracies by Maeda. The clip is in Japanese and is about 20min long so check it out when you have some extra time.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Motion View Post
    Here's a clip of Kosen style Judo I found. Some may know that this is the style taught to the Gracies by Maeda. The clip is in Japanese and is about 20min long so check it out when you have some extra time.
    awesome clip. newaza is awesome.


    • #3
      the kimura at the 4:50 mark is exactly what Sak did to break Renzos arm.
      these guys seem to leave alot of space between them and their opponent when they go to the ground


      • #4
        Kosen Judo, BJJ, SAMBO just names , man just names, Grappling is grappling each system has its own emphasis. After you get around purple in BJJ and open your mine you begin to realize that.
        Good Post


        • #5
          good post best wishes


          • #6
            Here's part two:


            • #7
              newaza really is more effective than tachiwaza.


              • #8
                Close enough...

                Originally posted by Motion View Post
                Here's a clip of Kosen style Judo I found. Some may know that this is the style taught to the Gracies by Maeda. The clip is in Japanese and is about 20min long so check it out when you have some extra time.


                Actually.... The kosen style Judo came about AFTER Madea left Japan. The popularity of the Judo newaza (matwork) was well established around 1900-1910 but so called kosen (high school) Judo grappling didn't come into existence until 1925 when the Kodokan made rule changes to emphasize the throwing techniques...

