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Backyard fighting

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  • Backyard fighting

    Hey all

    Odd question, but, basically me and a few mates whenever we're having a few drinks at someone's house, if it's at all possible we'll just go into their backyard and start having us a little MMA fight (with pretty strict rules, we're pretty drunk when we do it, so we don't really leave anything to chance, so we've got no hits to the face at all, no hits to the groin, and just anything unreasonable in banned and we use our own judgement), alot of you might think it's pretty stupid, but I assure you, it's fun as ****

    But, I was basically wondering, me being solely a striker (never done any grappling MA's), as these things go to the ground a rather lot, are there any pointers anyone could give me? I'm gunna start doing a bit of Ju Jitsu in the near future, but anything like simple submissions that you could explain over the net or basic pointers... I'm relatively good (for someone who's never done a grappling art) at getting in a rear naked choke or guillotine, and have a couple of simple takedowns I've just learned from fucking around, but beyond that there's not alot I can do. I know it's stupidly hard to explain stuff like this over the net, but anything is appreciated

  • #2
    If you have no ground fighting experience and the other guys do, stay off the ground at all costs or you will be schooled in a bad, bad way


    • #3
      That's the thing, we only have one person who has grappling experience (Judo), the rest of us are strikers with little grappling experience. All the same though, it does go to the ground against strikers, and it's usually us just rollig around laying into each other and attempting dodgy submissions. Is there anything you could reccomend me using against someone who has no ground experience at all, that's easy to learn and apply, when I'm in his halfguard? Or even when I have the mount?



      • #4
        The easiest thing is pounding somebody's face in when you have the mount.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nips View Post
          That's the thing, we only have one person who has grappling experience (Judo), the rest of us are strikers with little grappling experience. All the same though, it does go to the ground against strikers, and it's usually us just rollig around laying into each other and attempting dodgy submissions. Is there anything you could reccomend me using against someone who has no ground experience at all, that's easy to learn and apply, when I'm in his halfguard? Or even when I have the mount?

          Keylock or americas are easy to get. if you get the mount or side mount, grab his left wrist with your left hand (with the back of his hand facing the ground), reach under his wrist with your right arm and grab your own left wrist. Keep his arm bent at a 90 dgree angle and lift upward to apply pressure to his shoulder. Keep your forehead on the ground if you do this from the mount.


          • #6
            look up moves on you can find a video on almost any sub.


            • #7
              Cheers Oma. I think I'm following, I can understand the mechanics of it. Is there any chance of getting a picture of it being applied with the forehead down and the like? The only pic I could find was being applied liek this

              Thanks a heap Oma, I actually think that may be really applicable.

              Oh, and bjjexpertise, no hits to the face in these fights . We're usually REEEALLY drunk and don't want things getting out of hand. Thanks though


              • #8
                dooooooooooooouuuuuubbbbbbbbllllllllleeeeeeee poooooooooooooooost

                Originally posted by howulikemenow View Post
                look up moves on you can find a video on almost any sub.
                Cheers man, I couldn't find much on google video or google image search and didn't think there was much point to Youtubing for it. WRONG. There's a shitload up there. Thanks man


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nips View Post
                  Cheers Oma. I think I'm following, I can understand the mechanics of it. Is there any chance of getting a picture of it being applied with the forehead down and the like? The only pic I could find was being applied liek this

                  Thanks a heap Oma, I actually think that may be really applicable.

                  Oh, and bjjexpertise, no hits to the face in these fights . We're usually REEEALLY drunk and don't want things getting out of hand. Thanks though
                  Well thats a kimura but the way he has the arm locked is the same, just imagine that same hold but youre on top, mounted but his hand would be above his head, not down by his waist, like when the cops say 'put your hands up'.
                  If you want to get him in the move in the picture its a litte more compilicated.
                  Look up some moves on youtube, heres the keylock from side mount, at the 1:30 mark of the vid

                  But dude practice these things before you get all drunk and try them out on your boys, you will snap arms real easy to be careful


                  • #10
                    Cheers a heap
                    Yeah, will be excessively careful with this stuff. We all spar sober with each other casually all the time, so I'll test this stuff out then. Thanks again man

